Why use Prezi?
- Prezi stands out from the crowd
- Highly customizable, non-linear presentation tool
- Non-linear presentation format and professional-grade transitions
- The transitions can make you stand out in good and bad ways
- Highly customizable and intuitive to use
Not a replacement for slides
- Slides are still the right format for sequential presentation of textual information
- Subscription based with both free and paid plans
- Prezi is situational and better suited for graphical presentations that make better use of its animated movements
- The free plan leaves your presentations viewable and reusable by anyone online
What is Prezi?
Prezi: Usage and Limitations
Paid Plans
- A cloud-based presentation tool
COMM 1013
By: Jeffrey Ow Young
- Accessible through your browser
Motion Sickness
- Not based on slides which opens up non-linear possibilities
- Some animations are too jarring for some people
- Too many animations in a short period of time can also cause motion sickness
- No real limits except your own imagination in what you can accomplish visually
Limited by the human brain
Style over Substance
- Human brain likes predictable movements for making connections
- Do not over-rely on Prezi's capabilities
- The most natural directions in Western cultures are from top to bottom and left to right
- Just a tool to enhance presentations, does not replace the presenter
- The audience should remember the message and not just the slick animations
- http://instructionaltechtalk.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-prezi/
Why Prezi makes you dizzy and how to fix it
- http://www.lafabbricadellarealta.com/why-prezi-makes-you-dizzy-and-how-to-fix-it/
- http://scottberkun.com/2012/why-i-hate-prezi/