What is AVID?
AVID sets students on a path that prepares them for the rigors of college, and provides them with academic skills, content knowledge, and social adaptability needed for college success.
ALL AVID Students...
AVID Mission
Want to be college and career ready.
Internally motivated & determined to do well in school!
The mission of AVID is to
close the achievement gap
by improving the performance of
Willing to work hard!!
students, especially those who have not
Open to take at least 1 advanced course by senior year.
succeeded in completing
college entrance requirements:
AVID Defines Traditionally" as:
- students who are underrepresented in four-year colleges and universities,
- students in the academic middle,
- students who are the first in their family to go to college.
Focus Goals of AVID
To Develop:
AVID Ultimate Results
study strategies
The AVID system
students by instilling in them
academic and social skills
needed to
inquiry skills
complete college
and become
participants and
To Become:
in our global society.
critical thinkers
Students will use all of these skills to be goal setters and achievers!
self advocates
Typical Week in AVID
The Cold Hard Truth
WICOR Activity
AVID Class Tutorials
We work hard in all of our classes to earn a Fun Friday!
AVID Class Tutorials
Weekly Tutorial Request Form Due!
Grade analysis & reflection due
Weekly C-Notes due
Ex: Teambuilding
AVID is where you do the things you don’t want to do in order to get where you want to go in life!!
Students in AVID
Strive to excel in all of your classes
Take Cornell Notes each week for core classes
Track core class grades weekly
Greater Albany Public Schools
Participate in AVID class weekly tutorials
Log & track HW and other class assignments daily
Show great citizenship & attendance
Positive role model for others
Maintain an organized binder
Students in AVID are Limitless
Students in AVID
Participate in college and career field trips.
Listen to college and career speakers
Work with college tutors
How to Apply
Share AVID Information with parents
Fill out your Application
We hope you apply!