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  • NLD can affect all aspects of a individuals life, making even the simplest day to day chores complex
  • Cooking, packing, grocery shopping, fixing and assembly things are examples of simple daily task that prove difficult to NLD sufferers.
  • Due to the inability of proper decision making, special planning, and the organization skills required.
  • Reading comprehension and understanding information from TV, movies, and conversations can be challenging
  • Maps and instruction manuals need to broken down to micro steps to help understand their complexity
  • "Other examples from everyday life of things that are difficult for me are figuring out and later remembering the method and sequence of steps required to clean up spills or doggie accidents on the carpet." (Marti, Lisa)
  • Nonverbal learning disorder is not curable!
  • Ways teachers can help:
  • "Be clear and direct in addressing the difficulty; Begin the work with what is most familiar and simple; rely heavily on the student's verbal and analytic strengths; provide specific sequenced verbal instructions." (Foss, Jean M.)
  • How parents can help:
  • Keep the environment predictable and familiar
  • Create a familiar routine to follow
  • Be clear and concrete. Try to avoid false interpretation like jokes and humor

Signs and Symptoms




  • Individuals with NLD have strong skills in vocabulary and vocal memorization, often becoming early readers and excellent spellers at a young age.
  • They tend to master verbatim memory, able to recall exact instructions word by word
  • Poor handwriting skills
  • Physically awkward and lack coordination
  • Poor social skills
  • Difficulties understanding from visual learning; usually having problems with math
  • Trouble understanding nonverbal communications like simple body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice
  • Concrete thinkers; they look deep into detail and generally miss the big picture

Effects on Daily Life

What is it?

Overcoming the Problem

  • Nonverbal learning disorder (NLD) is a complex neurological disability, best characterized by a lack of compatibility between high verbal skills and low social, visuo-spatial, and motor skills, due to a deficit in the right hemisphere of the brain.
  • Closely associated, and sometimes confused for Asperger's Syndrome, this disorder is the least recognized learning problem in a classroom, most times going undiagnosed and missed entirely.
  • 10% of children identified with learning disability have nonverbal learning disorder, making up 1% of the U.S population or 3 million people. This affects men and women equally.

My Point of View

After much research, I can clearly see how NLD greatly affects individuals. Obviously they're disability would make it difficult for them to cope well in societies social norms, fitting in with certain groups, accomplish simple tasks, and living the everyday "normal life". But despite the circumstances that come with this disorder, they strive to coexist with the world around them. Given time, help, and effort, I can no doubt say that they can and will.


  • Marti, Lisa. "Helping Children With Nonverbal Learning Disability: What I Have Learned From Living With Nonverbal Learning Disability." Journal Of Child Neurology 19.10 (2004): 830-836. PsycINFO. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
  • Foss, Jean M., and Arlington, VA. ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education. Nonverbal Learning Disability: How To Recognize It And Minimize Its Effects. ERIC Digest. n.p.: 2001. ERIC. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
  • "Nonverbal Learning Disorder | Definition, Disability, Symptoms of NVLD." Gemm Learning | Fast ForWord Software for Reading Help, Dyslexia, APD, and More. Healthwise, Incorporated, 10 Apr. 2010. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. <http://www.gemmlearning.com/nonverbal-learning-disorder-definition-symptoms.php>.

Nonverbal Learning Disorder

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