Life of Farmers
Poor china
Farmers tough and difficult life . They live in small villages . They worked day and night , but they did not even own their work on the land . The property is usually owned by the nobles or the king. In addition to the noble work the land , the farmer had to give gifts to the noble .
China's poor have a boring diet. In the north, people dumplings , pancakes or noodles to eat in the form of wheat. In the South , people are a staple food rice . Who lived close to the river people who eat fish as well.
In ancient times, a large population of China was that of farmers. The kings, nobles and merchants formed a small percentage of the total population. There was a wide gap between the economic condition of farmers and that of the kings.
dumplings-----boles de massa bullida
pancakes -----?
Wide Gap -----Àmplia Bretxa
Wealthy china
Ancient Chinese Daily Life
Chinese rich people eat well . They eat rice , wheat, millet grains, vegetables . They eat a lot of meat, including chicken, beef, fish , etc.
millet grains-----els grands de mill
huibo.z and alex.n
merce e-class
Chinese Farming
Most farmers are very poor . They have chickens and pigs , and sometimes a cow or mule . People who grew up in the northern wheat or millet crop , while in the south , they grow rice . In the 16th century, new crops such as sweet potatoes, corn and peanuts were introduced. Other crops include tea, sugar and cotton.
Millet Crop-----Cultiu De Mill
Ancient Chinese Daily Life