"For learning to occur, the child first makes contact with the social environment on an interpersonal level and then internalizes this experience. The earlier notions and new experiences influence the child, who then construct new ideas." -Foundation Magazine
Vygotsky & Early Childhood Education
Cognitive/Social/Physical Development
Collaborative Problem Solving
Cognitive & Social Development
Working on child's ZPD
Vygotsky expressed the importance of language in development
Class Activity
In the Classroom:
"The Vygotskian classroom stresses assisted discovery through teacher-student and student-student interaction. Some of the cognitive strategies that group members bring into the classroom are questioning, predicting, summarizing, and clarifying."
-Foundation Magazine
"If a child is learning to complete a task, such as building a bridge with blocks, and a more competent person provides assistance, then the child is able to move into a new zone of development and problem solving. Vygotsky refers to this process of assisting as "scaffolding," which helps bridge the difference between a child's current level of problem-solving and his potential for more complex problem solving." -CDM
- Lesson plans created with the intentions of children working in their ZPD
- Challenging the child
- Assisting the child when needed/appropriate
- Allow for children to problem solve together
- Create reality base/real world situations
- Intellectual development influenced by maturation and experience
- Children want to learn and are always learning
- Children construct their own understandings
Constructivist Model
Knowledge is constructed by interactions with the environment
Constructivist Model:
- Typical day: children are engaged in activities designed to teach content knowledge or facts
- Social and emotional development is not a primary goal, emphasis on intellectual development
- Curriculum is not integrated, content is arranged by subject matter areas
- Highly structured environment
- Typical day: playing with blocks, purpose: develop concepts in mathematics, such as length and equivalence
- Emphasis on effective social interaction, all areas of development are a priority
- Integrated curriculum is based on children's interests
- Less structured
Lev Semyonovish Vygodsky
- Work unknown for many years
- Physical development: Focuses on both gross and fine motor development
- Social/Emotional development: Believes social interactions are critical; emphasizes peer learning and problem solving in relationships
- Cognitive development: Focuses on skills needed at the time and on teaching skills through projects child chooses
- Physical development: Gives little attention
- Social/Emotional development: Believes self-esteem is developed as child gains cognitive competence
- Cognitive development: Focuses on learning facts and responding to questions; lessons are highly sequenced
Elizabeth Brown. Audrey Naber. Tori Klingler.
Zone of Proximal Development
Area between what the child can do alone and what the child cannot do, even with assistance.
“It is more than a little ironic that children play school but are not allowed to play in school. It is tragically misguided and myopic. The fact that children can play school, both before they ever go to one and once they are in school, is remarkable and remarkably important.”
- Lois Holzman
Vygotsky and Play
Free Play
Pretend play and fantasy activities
"What a child can do in cooperation today, he can do alone tomorrow" -Lev Vygotsky
Game Play
Structured and explicitly rule-governed activities
Imagination + Rules = Development
Imaginative Sphere
Actions free the players from situational constraints, yet imposes constraints of its own.
“Play creates a zone of proximal development of the child. In play a child always behaves beyond his average age, above his daily behavior; in play it is as though he were a head taller than himself” - Lev Vygotsky