Researchers suggest:
- Both educators carry out a self-examination where they are honest about their opinions.
- co-educators map out each of their strengths and weaknesses with Venn diagrams to keep organizatio
- Preparation requires that teachers prepare lessons and activities together or separately.
- However, they should always inform each other of any plans before implementing them.
Conflict Resolution
- One of the most important aspects of co-teaching and collaboration when in an inclusive setting.
- Resolving any forthcoming issues that may come up by communicating and having a plan for when disagree do arise.
Why collaborate?
- Collaboration within education could also mean inclusion.
- When inclusion is practiced, students in general education and students in special education learn and participate alongside each other in the same classroom.
- Although the students participate on one accord, instruction must be differentiated and students must be accommodated based on their individual needs; this is why collaboration is important.
Bryant Davis, K. E., Dieker, L., Pearl, C., & Kirkpatrick, R. (2012). Planning in the Middle: Co-Planning Between General and Special Education. Journal Of Educational & Psychological Consultation, 22(3), 208-226. doi:10.1080/10474412.2012.706561
Embury, D. C., & Kroeger, S. D. (2012). Let’s ask the kids: Consumer construction of co-teaching. International Journal of Special Education, 27(2). Retrieved from
Hughes, S., & Kolstad, R. K. (1995). Strategies to promote inclusion in primary grades mathematics classrooms. Education, 116248.
Isherwood, R. S., & Barger-Anderson, R. (2008). Factors affecting the Adoption of Co-Teaching Models in Inclusive Classrooms: One school's Journey from Mainstreaming to Inclusion. Journal Of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 2(2), 121-128.
Magiera, K., & Zigmond, N. (2005). Co-Teaching in Middle School Classrooms Under Routine Conditions: Does the Instructional Experience Differ for Students with Disabilities in Co-Taught and Solo-Taught Classes?. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice (Wiley-Blackwell), 20(2), 79-85. doi:10.1111/j.1540-5826.2005.00123.
Ploessl, D. M., Rock, M. L., Schoenfeld, N., & Blanks, B. (2010). On the Same Page: Practical Techniques to Enhance Co-Teaching Interactions. Intervention In School And Clinic, 45(3), 158-168.
Implementing Strategies:
common co-teaching models
- one teach/one observe
- one teach/one assist
- parallel teaching
- station teaching
- alternative teaching
- teamteaching
General Strategies for inclusive Settings
Components of collaboration for inclusion
- Communication
- Preparation
- Conflict Resolution
- Appropriate Co-teaching strategies
- Restructuring the classroom to optimize learning
- Utilize a variety of instructional materials
- Involve students by providing a choice
- Analyze student learning styles
- Provide feedback
What does successful collaboration look like?
- In order to have a successful inclusive classroom, co-educators must work together to provide accommodations and modifications for all of the students, especially students in special education who may need support
What is collaboration?
- In the field of education, collaboration means educators, administration, parents, students, and others involved work together to ensure the achievement and success of all students.
The Importance of Collaboration for Inclusion