Formal and Informal Assessment Comparison Chart
- Formal and informal methods of assessing reading development. (2011, Fall). Retrieved from
- Formal and Informal assessments can be used to form and modify instruction.
- Both forms measure reading levels, instructional needs, strengths and weaknesses, and comprehension.
- Both provide individualized results.
- Criterion-referenced and informal assessments can be used to determine mastery in specific skills.
Vanessa Carrillo, Danielle Dickson, Maria Gjergji, Beth Searles, Crystal Smith
Melissa Piper
Formal Reading Assessment
Informal Reading Assessment
Formal Reading Assessment
- Most common forms of informal reading assessment are the informal reading inventory, running records, and performance assessments.
- Results are used to develop needs based curriculum strategies and lesson plans.
- Measure students' reading level in the same approach each time it is administered.
- Evaluates exactly what it claims to measure.
- Measurements present reliability and validity.
- Determines a number of needs and levels of an individual student.
- Measure students' reading level, instructional needs, strengths, comprehension, and decoding.
- Administered in different forms and are measured on an individual level.
- Norm-referenced tests:
- Compare student results against other students that have taken it.
- Allow educators to campare the results from one year to another.
- Criterion-referenced tests:
- Compare student results against a set performance standard or citerion.
- Determine whether students have learned a specific set of skills.
Formal Reading Assessment
Informal Reading Assessment
- Informal assessments:
- Administered more often and in more various ways.
- Results are more difficult to use and compare year by year reports.
- Formal assessments:
- Results are compared to either other student results or a standard or a criterion that is being met.
- Provide a wider view with more concrete results to comapre students, classes, grade levels, and school years.
- Two forms: Norm-referenced and Criterion-referenced tests
- Administered throughout the school year to detrmine the efficacy of the strategies.
- Strategies are implemented to improve reading skills.
- Can be used daily, weekly, and quarterly to accurately document reading levels, comprehension, and strengths.
- Readiness test results can be used to determine the emergent literacy skills of our young students.
- Diagnostic tests provide insight into where a student struggles with their reading skills.
- All of the tests results can assist teachers in the planning and delivery of instruction.