Moving Mountains:
The Case of the Antamina Mining Company
Stakeholders' Classification
- Mitchell et all
General Characteristics
Case Summary
Mining Sector Boom in the 1990's
1. POWER to influence the firm
2. LEGITIMACY of their relationships with the firm
3. URGENCY of the claim on the firm
25.8% population below Poverty Line
Case Summary
Coercion/physical means, Material/Monetary means or Normative/Social means
'A generalized perception that actions of an entity are desirable, proper or appropriate with some socially constructed set of norms, values & beliefs'
'The degree to which the stakeholder claims call for immediate attention'
- Antamina (CMA) - Peruvian Private Mining Company
- One of the largest deposits of copper-zinc ore bodies in the world
- Central/Southern Road ?
- Conflict of interest between CMA & its stakeholders:
- World Bank: Funding
- PNH National Park & TMI & Peruvian Gov.
- Inhabitants of Huari Province & Huarmey City & surrounding areas
- Investor Companies
- International Community
- 2 Key Issues CMA faced:
- Reallocation of inhabitants
- National Park protected by Peruvian Government& its issues with World Bank
- Positive Aspects of Project:
- Employment Creation
- Infrastructure Improvement
- Negative Aspects of Project:
- Gas is contaminated
- Pollution - water & air
The mining engineers and the general manager believed that the physical act of “MOVING MOUNTAINS” was less complicated than having to negotiate with the complex and demanding set of the social factors
Presented by:
Angela Cruz,
Melissa Ochoa,
Cameron Sutton,
Zarina Tariq