Unexpected Results
U.S. Develops Research Program
- After the successful chain reaction, more funds were given to the project
- Secrecy was a top priority; not even the Vice-President was aware
- First test was conducted on July 16, 1945 in New Mexico; no one was prepared for the result
- A blinding flash visible for 200 miles
- A 40,000 ft mushroom cloud
- Blew out windows up to100 miles away
- A 1/2 mile wide crater where sand was turned to glass
- Einstein wrote to FDR urging the development of a research program
- Roosevelt agreed to proceed slowly
- The effort to build an atomic bomb received its code name: the Manhattan Project
- In December 1942, physicists produced the first controlled nuclear chain reaction under the grandstands at Stagg Field at the University of Chicago.
Splitting the Atom
The Bataan Death March
Japan Invades the Philippines
- The day after Pearl Harbor, the Japanese began their invasion of the Philippines
- American and Filipino defenders were forced to retreat to the Bataan Peninsula where the 75,000 troops surrendered
- Early 1939, the world discovered that German physicists had learned how to split the atom
- Fears spread that the Germans would use it to make a bomb capable of unspeakable destruction
- Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi, scientists who knew about the development had fled Germany and Italy to the U.S.
The Bataan Death March
- America avenged its defeat when it took back the Philippines in 1944
- After the war, the Japanese Lieutenant General Homma Masaharu was tried by a military tribunal
- He was held responsible for the Bataan Death March, which was considered a war crime
- He was executed by firing squad April 3, 1946
- The surrendered troops were rounded up and forced to march 65 miles from Mariveles to San Fernando
- Men were divided into groups of 100
- March took about 5 days for each group to complete
- Thousands died due to starvation and brutality of their captors
- Survivors were sent to prisoner-of-war camps where thousands more died of disease, mistreatment, and starvation
The Manhattan Project and the Bataan Death Marches