what is germ?
A blog portal dedicated to culture
featuring videos and blogs about culture and digital life
Blogs We like
La Blogotheque
Zero Punctuation
The AV club
angry alien
Promising local talent
Itamar Daube
Yotam Perel
Dekel Hevroni
Cinemascopian.com - film
frgdr - popular culture
As Seen On TV - television
new video content
- Webcam interviews with international musicians, filmmakers and artists
Using fun infographics
Virtual Easter Eggs and trivia
the secret: experienced curation
Guy Zurawel, independent consultant. currently pursuing his PhD in Neuroscience
Formerly, Leader of a mobile application development group, Business Development Director, Mobile Technology consultant, and more, in companies from various areas of the mobile industry.
Go get cultured
- "Save The Date", weekly magazine on cultural events
- Flash animated reviews on games, movies and TV shows
With a little help
from a friend
Who is
Ayelet Yagil