21 = Knight
Weapons and Armor
"Being a Knight was a mark of honor"
- Protect the weak
- Respect women
- Be honorable
- Be brave
- Be devout
- Be courteous
- Be generous
Dubbing consist in tapping lightly on the shoulder by way of conferring knighthood
Throwing the javelin
Putting (throwing) the stone
Squire Exercises
Knights and Squires of the Elizabethan Era
Becoming a Knight
7 years old = Page
- Cared for lord's clothes
- Helped the get dressed
14 years old = Esquire (Squire)
- Follow his master into battle
- Take care of armor and horse
- Prepare Knight for fight
Armors had many layers...
1st layer - hauberk : chain mail under the main armor
Helmets protected head, slits made it possible to see and breathe
Pauldrons protected shoulders
Breastplates covered the chest
Gauntlets protected hands but made it hard to move them
swords were very important in many ways
Types of swords
were indispensable to knights
- Had lots of straps
- Were difficult to move around with
- Were flexible
- Weighed from 40 to 55 pounds!
Shaffron: protected neck and head
Longer blades and hilts ; to be held with two hands
Perfect for cutting off arms, legs, and heads.
Sharp, narrow blades. made to pierce through weak armor spots
Other interesting weapons
Image Work Cited
Armor of George Clifford, Third Earl of Cumberland. Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New
York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Web
Axe Battle Ax 26 Inches. N.d. Web
Central Intelligence Agency. Caltrop (Tire Spike). 7 March 2011.
Dann, Geoff. n.n. 2007. Print
Italian horse armour. N.d. Web
Kantor, Katherine. n.n. n.d. Print
Lance.n.d. Web.
Leighton, Edmund Blair. "The Accolade" (Knighting ceremony). N.d. Polycoat, LLC.
Rama. Mace. N.d. Web.
Romeo, Alfa. N.n. n.d. Web
Whimsy, Karen.
---Elizabethan Costumes – Image 3. 2011. Web
---Knights Armor – Image 5. 2011. Web
Dagger n.d Web