Critical Consciousness Theory
Critical Consciousness Theory
A Note on Freire
- Theory: a lens in which we use analyze specific situations
- Critical Consciousness Theory: the lens we use to analyze how oppression and privilege create "social and individual dysfunction." Developed by Paulo Freire (Critical Consciousness Theory).
- His theory was a "response to the illiteracy rates of impoverished Brazilian people"
- "Ignorance is a key tool in the maintenance of oppression" meaning that critical thinking is a tool used to resist oppression
Poetry as a Means of Communication
Dr. David Anderson Hooker on Critical Consciousness
Maya Angelo (1928-2014)
"Still I Rise"
by Maya Angelo
- Prominent American poet, writer, and civil rights activist
- I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings received international acclaim made the bestseller list.
- The book was also banned in many schools during that time as Maya Angelou’s honesty about having been sexually abused opened a subject matter that had long been taboo in the culture.
- Later, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings would become a course adoption at college campuses around the world.
- "Still I Rise" discusses topics such as overcoming injustices and prejudices, perseverance against racism, building one's self-esteem, rejecting despair and searching for happiness
Critical Thinking
Critical Consciousness Theory
"[T]he art of thinking skeptically about information and knowledge"
- question sources
- review alternative theories
- think beyond personal experiences
- basing "true" knowledge on facts, not biases, emotions, stereotypes
The Construct
Developing a critical consciousness implies
- using our critical thinking skills to "examine our current situations, develop a deeper understanding about our "concrete reality"
- devising, implementing, and evaluating solutions for our problems
- Anti-oppressive action occurs at the individual and community levels
"Focuses on the role of oppression and privilege in creating and sustaining social and individual dysfunction"
- Social Dysfunction
- proportional levels of unemployment
- disease
- crime
- homelessness
- lack of resources
- Individual Dysfunction
- Substance abuse
- HIV risks
- Criminal behavior
- a critical consciousness happens through group dialogue, participatory action, and empowerment
- Attending community meetings
- joining organizations
- serving community needs
Structural Inequalities
- Structural Inequality: "a system of power imbalances maintained by social norms, organizations, policies, and individual behaviors informed by Eurocentric [culture and history] ideologies" that prevents a marginalized group from enjoying the same rights afforded to others
- Incareration practices
- "disproportionate of African Americans are incarcerated"
- "institutionalized rules" keep convicted felons out of mainstream society
Thus, the dominate culture perpetuates oppression.
Works Cited
Angelo, Maya. "Still I Rise."
"Critical Consciousness Theory." Newark Community Collaborative Board.
"Dr. David Anderson Hooker on Critical Consciousness" Uploaded by Yale Youth Ministry Institute, 15 May 2019.