Phylum Porifera
Major Characteristics
- asymmetrical bodies
- "pore-bearer" in Latin
- pump water through pores/ expel through large opening at top
asexual and sexual reproduction
Special Characteristics
- spend adult life attached to hard surface - sessile --> once though to be plants
- are used for "natural sea sponges"
- filter feeders (food suspended in water comes in through pores)
- internal fertilization
- asexual through budding or fragmented pieces
Phylum Cnidaria
Coral, jellyfish, sea anemones, hydra, Portuguese Man-of-War
Major Characteristics
- "nettle" - stinging cells
- gut with only one opening
- "mouth" surrounded by ring of tentacles (capture food and defense)
sexual and asexual reproduction
Special Characteristics
- have polyp (vase shaped) and medusa (form you know) stages in life cycle
Phylum Platyhelminthes
planaria, flukes, tapeworms
Major Characteristics
- soft, unprotected body
- capable of regeneration
asexual (regeneration) and sexual reproduction
Special Characteristics
- most are parasites
- most are hermaphrodites --> exchange sperm don't normally fertilize their own eggs
Phylum Nematoda
hookworms, heartworms and pinworms
Major Characteristics
- tapered at both ends
- sexual reproduction
Special Characteristics
- infest virtually all kinds of plants or animals (parasitic)
- some eggs can survive in soil for up to 10 years waiting for a host.
Phylum Annelida
Segmented worms
Earthworms, leeches, tube worms, and clam worms
Major Characteristics
- soft, segmented body
- different regions are specialized for different functions
Special Characteristics
- leeches are used in medicine
- earthworms eat their weight in soil each day --> feces is great fertilizer and burrowing is great for aeration (room for roots/O2/water)
Phylum Mollusca
clams, scallops, mussels, octopus, oysters, snails
Major Characteristics
- soft body and a shell (1 or 2 pieces)
- shell provides for muscle attachment and protection
- mantle (fold of muscular tissue) and muscular foot
Special Characteristics
- 2nd largest phylum
- all animals in this phylum have some type of shell
- gastropoda = stomach foot
- cephalopoda = head foot --> can move by jet propulsion
spiders, insects, centipedes, scorpions, shrimp, crabs, lobsters
Major Characteristics
- segmented body
- arthropod = jointed appendages
- body covered with an exoskeleton made of chitin
- molt (shed their skin) in order to grow
Special Characteristics
- some scientists think that there may be as many as 30 million species of arthropods yet to be discovered
Phylum Echinodermata
sea stars, sea cucumbers, sand dollars, sea urchins
Major Characteristics
- means "spiny-skinned" in Latin
- 5-part radial symmetry
- water vascular system --> fluid filled tubes that operate tube feet
asexual (regeneration) and sexual reproduction
Phylum Chordata
sea squirts, lancets, vertebrates
45,000 species
(42,500 vertebrate species)
Major Characteristics
- notochord
- dorsal nerve cord
- post-anal tail
- pharyngeal slits
Special Characteristics
- lose the pharyngeal slits
- nerve cord --> brain and spinal chord
- notochord --> replaced by vertebrae
- increased complexity of many organ systems
- grouped into 5 classes: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals
9 Major Animal Phyla
blue ringed octopus
coral reef
spicules - sponge "skeleton"
cuddle fish
fan worm
feather duster worm
sea star
sea urchin
feather star