The Hospital Management System
Seidilabek Aisha
Kelsingazin Yerassyl
Abubakir Shahislam
Bolatzhanuly Saken
• Doctors
• Patients
• Administration
• Staff
- Conclude sick
- Check and modify schedule
- Write recipes
- Provide test facilities: blood test, X-Ray
- Draw salary
- Make schedule
- Control staff
- See reports
- Regulate salary
- Pass registration
- Take cure
- Pass analysis
- Pay fee
- Do login
- Take report
- Check a schedule
- Draw salary
- See information about patients
Feedback & Evaluation:
Risk-Based Architecting
Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-driven Approach
by George H. Fairbanks
Runtime: Does the website allow to registrate more than 1000 clients?
Module: May system notify that it already has identical, false or incorrect information?
Allocation: Are system able to support different types of payment?
The USE CASE diagram
Why Hospital?
Prioritizing and Mitigating Risks
- The essential part of our lives
- Providing medical facilities
- To keep track of its day-to-day activities
- Records of its patient, doctors, nurses, ward boys and other staff personals
- Keep the hospital running smoothly and successfully
- Edit patient detail
- Hospital website
- Online registration
- Add and delete staff
- Pay for treatment
- Managing a schedule
- Hospital database
- Database overflow
- Medicine
- Equipment
- Draw a salary
design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi