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Slavery, Due Process and The
Missouri Compromise
Judiciary Review and Federalism
Lemon Test and Religious
Secretary of State failed to deliever documents to William Marbury. Marbury sued for not allowing him to become a Justice of the Peace because of his opposing political party.
Dred Scott was a slave that moved from a free state back to a slave state where he appealed for freedom. The Supreme Court rule that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and permitted slavery in all states. The ruling states that since African Americans were not citizen, Dred Scott had no right to sue.
Decision: 4-0 favoring Marbury
Decision: 7-2 favoring Sandford
Rhode island and Pennsylvania were providing financial aid to church related schools. Established the Lemon test to create a division of religion and state through a three part test.
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
States Rights and Commerce Clause
Decision: 8-0 favoring Lemon
Dred Scoot v Sandford (1857)
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Ogden was given the exclusionary right by the state of New York to travel on New York's river and trade business. Ogden sued Gibbons for violating his contract by using a steam boat on the river. The court decided that New York's exclusionary rule was unconstitutional and that trading fell under the Commerce Clause.
Gibbons v Ogden (1824)
Decision:5-1 favoring Gibbons
During protest at a National Convention in Texas, Lee Johnson burned a flag and was charged with desecration of a sacred object.
Decision: 5-4 favoring Johnson
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Texas v Johnson (1989)
Right to Privacy and Abortion
Jane Roe was an unmarried, pregnant woman in Texas. At this point abortion was illegal. She believed this law violated her right to privacy and personal liberty. She sued the district attorney.
Decision: 7-2 in Roe's favor
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School Segragation and Equal Protection
Brown v Board of Education (!954)
Over-ruled Plessy v Ferguson as it violated the Equal Protection Clause. Required the desegregation of public schools and intergrated by race.
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Exclusionary Rule and Due Process
McCulloch v Maryland
Decision: 9-0 favoring Brown
In Ohio, Dollree Mapp was a suspect in bomb making and illegal betting. She asked for a warrant, but when one was presented, they didn't allow her to read it. They found pornographic material and arrested her for it. The police actions were considered unconstitutional under the 4th Amendment.
Self-Incrimination and Due
Decision: 6-3 favoring Ohio
The state of Maryland issued to tax
all banks and businesses in or who had business in Maryland. Andrew McColloch refused to pay taxes for the Baltimore branch of the Federal Bank. Maryland sued
Stated that any information given by someone whois interrogated but is not informed of their rights. Their confession are inadmissable in court.
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Decision: 7-0 favoring McCulloch
Decision: 5-4 favoring Miranda
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