Extra Gum Advertising
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Vol XCIII, No. 311
September 2014: Back to School
Sarah and Juan
Target Market
- Back to school
- Students and their parents
Underlying Message
- Gum will keep your relation with your family strong
- Connect to families on a deeper level
- Make gum relateable just in time for September back to school
- 4 Million Views on YouTube
- Not including viewership on television
Valentines Day 2016
"The Little Things"
Summer 2015
Target Market
- People looking for love
- Young people
Underlying Message
- You will find love if you chew this gum and share it with people
- Gum is a "brainless act"
- Valentine's Day commercial
- A way to make gum intimate and connect with the young people who tend to chew gum more
- 20 Million Views on YouTube
- Not including viewership on television
Target Market
- Millenials
- People enjoying "night life"
Underlying Message
- You can connect with people on a deeper level with Extra Gum
- Summer night of simplicity, romance, and friendship
- Very
- Cartoon drawing is easily identifiable and a park bench is symbolic
Facebook Tags
"Pushes You Higher"
Target Market
- Teens and college students and relationships
Underlying Message
- Gum connects people on social media
- Very
- A lot of shares
- "Sharing gum, Sharing posts"