- Laissez-Faire
- Authoritarian-Dictatorial
- Assigned Topic
- Media Method
- Facilitator Method
- has its roots in Massachusetts. Manufactures realized that skilled draftsmen and designers were needed for creating new products and expanding America's world market. Drawing was taught through imitation, drill and practice. John Dewey believed in a child-based method of teaching, based on the child's needs and self-expression. When the Soviets launched Sputnik, America was put in the "space race" and needed engineers and scientists. The shift in art education moved from "soft" and child-centered to DBAE (discipline-based art education), which has four criterion: art production, art criticism, aesthetics, and art history.
- it started out by teaching students how to draw through imitation, drill and practice.
o Laissez-faire art method means without interference or direction. Laissez-faire teachers give students the material, and it is up to the child to create a self-expressive work of art.
The Discipline Based Art Education approach
to curriculum combines experiences
from four disciplines in the study of art:
DBAE(Discipline Based Art Education)
o The goal of DBAE is to develop an understanding and appreciation for art. DBAE includes teaching theories, contexts, and the ability to create and respond to art. Course content is created around art criticism, art history, art techniques and the context the art was created in.
- Art Production is the making of art, and the various components of making art,
such as use of tools, manipulation of media, form and expression.
- Art Criticism is the examination and discussion of style, formal principals of design and elements of art (in terms of color, line, perspective, texture, and shading).
- Art History is not just "who made what when," but is the history of objects and the
history of people through art. Works of art provide a unique documentation of
cultural changes throughout history. Studying historical works not only gives us
insights into the past, but can also provide valuable insights and information about the present.
- Aesthetics is the philosophy of art. Philosophical questions about art seem to be unanswerable. What is art? What is good art? What is beauty? It is important in the study of art that students engage their brains, think about what they are doing,learning, and feeling about their art and the art of others. In studying art through aesthetic questioning, the answer is not important. The act of working through the puzzle provided by the question is extremely important.