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College Management System Modules


College embodies many functional departments. Each has great pile of tasks to accomplish. Since all these departments cannot stand alone, there is need to maintain a centralized management system that can automate and collaborate their tasks. College ERP System is a system that can automate various departments of the college and manage its resources well. Although, every department is a separate entity, but they all need to be synchronized for the dependant tasks. This synchronization is achieved by centralizing the college system using a College ERP System. ERP, our College ERP System package provides all the basic and customized solutions for automation of your college

  • Administration Module
  • Admission Module
  • Alumni Module
  • Attendance Module
  • Canteen Module
  • Event Management Module
  • Examination Module
  • Faculty Module
  • Fee Module
  • Hostel & Mess Module
  • Library Module
  • Payroll Module
  • Placement Module
  • Student Module
  • Time Table Module
  • Transport Module
  • User Management Module
  • Visitor Management Module

Attendance System / Attendance Management Software & Module

Alumni Management System / Alumni Management Software & Module

Admission System / Student Admission Software & Module

Administration System/Administration Software & Module

Canteen Management System / Canteen Management Software & Module

Events Management System/ Event Management Software & Module

Alumni are the reflection of the college reputation to outside world. Their management helps in keeping them in contact for life-long association

Canteen is a complete system in itself thus requiring it complete separate management. From maintaining the food inventory to delivering the orders, canteen system needs to be effective to provide customer satisfaction

(Also available as a separate software.)

The punctuality of employees and students is under the onus of this module. The data managed and provided by this module will help in business logic of other modules as well like payroll management, leave management, etc.

(Also available as a separate software.)

Events are part of college activities in order to provide environment for student’s and staff’s overall development. For a successful event, it is important to manage them properly without loosing any minor details.

This module helps in keep information of upcoming event to be held in the college

A dynamic system is achieved by designing an effective admin panel. This panel contains interfaces that our controlled by a user role named as Administrator. Thus, the admin module can be termed as control panel of a college management system

(Also available as a seperate software.)

Admission is the initial process in the college system. The process needs to be effective and reliable. Thus, the module portrays its importance as it lays the foundation of all other processes for student in the college.

Also available as a separate software









The admin module can be segregated into following sub-modules

•Report generation of list of events occurring in the college for whole academic session as well as of occasional events.

•Timely notification will get displayed to ERP users .

•Creating Event Category: This includes the creation of various event categories under which all the future event can be placed.

•Adding New Events: This module takes user inputs as event details like venue, duration etc. and then this information can be used as notification for other roles in the college.

•View Event: This function provides provision to view events month or year wise and then can be easily downloaded as an excelsheet file

We have modularize our canteen management module into following sub-modules to cater the needs of staff, students and visitors of the college:

•Information System:

Retrieving alumni details, different search features based on different parameters.Excelsheet download and upload


•Interactive interfaces (pie charts, progress bar) are used to display attendance details for quick and summarized view of the attendance.

•Faculty is given well-designed interface to mark the attendance of the students concerned.

•Students are restricted from marking their own attendance.

•Attendance viewing is made easy on the basis of month search, user search or using its own login credentials.

•Well maintained attendance records for employees will help in easing their monthly salary calculations.

•The decision over students’ performance and examination can also be made on the basis of the attendance records of the students.

•The basic feature involves the creation and management of base data for the College ERP System.

•Helps in providing security to the system by designation of roles and passwords.

•The admin panel helps in controlling the flow of information on the user interfaces


•Fill Attendance:Marking of attendance by admin for faculty or faculty for students.

•View attendance:Viewing of attendance by different roles for their authorized users.

•Data Management:

Adding details of Alumni like their academic session, their present status on job, etc.


•Provides interfaces for all relevant details concerning alumni.

•The system is LAN based for providing complete secured authority to college authority

•User Management : Creates, manage, verify and grants permission to users for the CMS.

•Data Management : Provides base data i.e. adding new course, department, branch, semester, subject etc, to be made available to other modules.

•Subject Management : Assigning subject to the semester on the basis of selected course and branch.

•Time Table Management : Creation, modification and deletion of timetable schedule for classes and Faculty.

•Syllabus Management : Assigning syllabus for particular semester of branch.

•Salary Management : Setting the pay-scale for designated faculties and automatic salary assignment to individual based on its designation.

•Attendance and Leave Management : Marking employee and student attendance, accepting/rejecting the leave request.

• Canteen Inventory Management: Creates, updates and deletes stock, timely report generation for status of inventory.

• Canteen Order and Billing Management: Manages placed orders, order delivery, order updating, generation of bills, printing bills.

•Registration:Registering student (by administrator) to the College ERP System by filling information like username, password, email address and like.

•Profile Creation : Interface for filling general, educational information, etc. for the students.

•Enrollment Number Allotment : Assignment of unique enrollment number on successful registration of student.

•Search Student Details: A comprehensive search feature to retrieve information about a student.

•Batch shifting: Manages system change when student batch successfully clears one academic semester. The previous record concerning the batch is maintained as Archives.

•Well defined reports that would help the canteen authority to know the demand related to items served to people.

•Well-managed interfaces for managing canteen inventory.

•Easy invoice creation while making the ordered item selection.

Fee Management System / Student Fee Management Software & Module

Benefits of ERP

Faculty System / Faculty Management Software & Module

The fee management is a crucial and sensitive task. Every aspect has to be taken into account like services used, rebates, security fee, any dues, etc. while managing fee records. This module keeps all records related to fee of the student and the details can be used at times in the future.

Teaching staff forming the backbone of education, needs dedicated system which can provide them with all the information related to salary, students, course, etc. This module contains interfaces that would aide faculties with the above mentioned functions.

•ERP is implemented as Intranet-Based Software, hence provides secure access to the allowed users of the college only.

•It automates the departments in college so hassle free management is achieved.

•It provides centralized database to integrate all the functional departments in college.

•It provides easy learning and operations due to user-friendly interfaces.

•The solution is designed with customized requirement from client so that can cater their college specific rules and methodologies.

•The system is eco-friendly since it follows the concept of paperless management.

•The system makes the searching task easy and quick by providing various search options.

•The system allows downloading of documents like syllabus, admit card, marksheets, etc. This provides easy reach for college resources to the students, management and faculty.

•Continuous maintenance is what makes this system a reliable solution.

•The system is kept secure by providing unique login credentials to every user of the system.

•Since the system is centralizes, information related to user, events, etc. can be accessed from a single location in the system.

•To aid management with quick and effective decision making, the system has proper interfaces for report generation for tasks in different module like attendance report, payslip, etc.

Hostel & Mess Management System / Hostel Management Software & Module

Examination System / Examination Management Software & Module




Features From Administrator perspective

Features From Accountant perspective

Examination, being an integral part of a college requires to manage bulk information. In order to ensure proper and effective examinations in the college, this module is designed. This module would cover all the aspects related to examination.

(Also available as a separate software.)

Hostel and Mess module provides a full featured system to manage the entire residential facility in the institute. This module will keep the updated records of student’s allocated room, meal, transfer room and other facilities. It gives clear idea of the hostel and room state and allows easy supervision of hostel maintenance

Also available as a separate software

•Faculty can register himself/herself with the system.

•For maintaining security, registered faculty needs to be verified by admin before they could use the system.

•Faculty can keep track of his/her attendance with our user-friendly and pictorial interfaces.

•Faculty can get information of his/her salary and can print salary reports and pay slip.

•Faculty is given responsibility to mark attendance of the students. Faculty can also generate attendance report as per student and course in a user-friendly format (pie-charts, bar-charts, etc).

•Profile viewing and editing is made easy with the interface provided in this module.

•All the relevant details like exam schedule, syllabus, student’s result, etc. are provided to faculty as well designed separate interfaces.

•Faculty also handles the task or accepting or rejecting the leave application from the students of its respective classes.

•All printed reports are generated in well designed interfaces (pie-chart, bar-graphs, colored calendars, etc).

•Profile: View, edit own profile information.

•Attendance: Marking own and managing student’s attendance.

•Leave: Submitting leave application and managing students leave.

•Salary: View information regarding to salary.

•Library: Viewing own library related records.

•Examination: Viewing exam schedule & students result.

•Syllabus: View his/her class syllabus.

•Timetable: Viewing own class timetable

•Fee Details: Interface providing information for fee structure of all the courses (batch wise) with page print feature.

•Fee Submission: Adding fee submission details in the system by using the comprehensive student search option on the interface along with feature of printing the fee receipt.

•Fee Attribute:Demarcating fee as Tuition fee, Hostel fee, Library fee, Examination fee and so on with provision to edit and delete any of the fee type.

•Fee Structure: Assigning fees value for every course.

•Fee Concession: The Fee concession feature is based on the quota and disabilities for particular section.

•Fine Management: Providing interface for calculation and addition of fine amount on basis of pre-defined days




•Examination system can only be accessed by the role named examination controller, to maintain the security and secrecy of examination process.

•A well-maintained database is provided which shows information regarding the categories of exam being allowed in the college (like mid-term, quarterly, etc.)

•A well designed and user-friendly interface is provided to set exam time tableof various courses in the college.

•Student seating plan can be unambiguously set with an interface showing all relevant information and options.

•A well-structured database and easy interface is provided to maintain students’ examination result.

•Provision is provided to students for printing their mark sheets & admit cards.

Examination modules adopts following sub-modules in order to have better management:

•Exam Information: Records and manages exam details.

•Exam Schedule: Maintains examination date-sheet plan.

•Room management: Keeps a record of available rooms in the college with their details.

•Seating Plan: Designing exam seating arrangements.

•Results: Preparing exam results

•Graphical representation of hostel while allocating rooms to students.

•Easy identification of room under one defined category.

•Well-classified room types on the basis of the available facilities.

•Download and uploading of excel sheet for information concerning hostel.

•Hostel fee is well managed and integrated with student fee system of ERP

  • •Manage hostel details: Hostel Module has the facility to create multiple Hostel Blocks, Rooms, Capacity and Type (Girl/Boy).
  • •Hostel room management: It allows user to create description and room number for all hostels. User can edit these details also. This is provided with well designed and user friendly interface. In case like room is under maintenance or under construction or not in condition to allocate a student then room out of order facility is also provided to check room’s availability.
  • •Room allocation and Leave: Room allocation is a core part of hostel module. A room will allocated to a student and an ID will generate for it. System will keep track of all room history and student history. In the case student wants to transfer the room, Room Transfer facility is also provided. At last when student left the room its detail like Left date will also saved.
  • •Manage mess details: Mess detail like mess code and capacity will be saved. A mess is allocated to a particular hostel.
  • •Inventory management of mess: This module keeps track of all the transactions related to mess.
  • •Report generation: Report generation is also provided to view summarized detail regarding to hostel and mess. It includes:
  • Mess Inventory report.
  • Mess Inventory deport by date.
  • •Data upload by excel file: This feature is added for fast execution of data upload in system. User can easily upload data to system by upload excel files

Library System / Library Management Software & Module

Payroll System/Salary Management Software & Module

A good library is a mirror to a good college. A proper management is essentially required for keeping books and its record safe. The books are needed by different users of the college so the module has to be well-designed to cater the need of every user. The data from this module is a feeding food to many other modules like student module, faculty module, etc.

Payroll is a terminology given to combined structure of salary for an employee. A payroll constitutes the following dissemination:

•Allowances: HRA, DA, Medical, etc.

•Deductions: Provident fund etc.

The module takes onus to design rules for setting the value for each part as well calculating the net and gross salary. The final calculation of the salary also takes input from other modules of the system like attendance, etc.



•The module is accessed by a role named librarian by using its unique credentials.

•Each book is labeled automatically with a unique Accession Number for its easy management and identification.

•The module has interface that keeps the full details about the books like author, date of publishing, no. of copies available, etc.

•Searching a book in the library is made easy by providing various parameter for search options like search by author, search by publisher, etc.

•Issuing and returning of issued books can be done quickly with the interface provided as it shows full-fledged details in concern with the student.

•Availability of books can also be checked on the basis of the category to which they belong like mathematics, science, etc.

•Proper provision for charging fine money over due date of returning is also taken care of with properly calculated business logics.

•Add Books: Adding details about the available books in the library.

•Manage Books: Pre-added books are managed for editing and deletion.

•Issue Book: Issuing demanded book/books on the name of the student.

•Return Book: Returning pre-issued book/books from the student



•The module functions to provide the management with the decision of promoting employees.

•It provides intelligent interfaces that would help in modifying the pay-scale on the basis of promotion for the employee.

•Salary search on the basis of either user or month, is made quick with the different searching options on the provided interface.

•Any change in salary will automatically modify the role of any staff in the system.

•Pay-scale Management: Setting pay scale (salary figure) on the basis of roles assigned.

•Manage Salary: Updating values of pre-defined salary-components as and if requires.

•Assign Salary: Assigning salary employees based on their designation.

•Salary Search: Searching salary on the basis of month, status, employee name etc

Placement System / Placement Management Software & Module

Student Management System / Student Management Software & Module

College Transport System / Transport Management Software & Module

Time Table System / Time Table Management Software & Module

Visitors Management System / Visitor Management Software & Module

User Management System / User Management Software & Module

Transportation is a critical investment for any college if not managed properly. A software that can take care of all the aspects related to transport service for the staff and students, saves precious money and leads better resource management.

The module caters the need for providing interfaces to registered studentswhere they can view information related to academics and other activities in the college

Jobs are the major concern for the student and a matter of prestige for the college. To maintain the information related to placement drives, it is important to record every aspect of it correctly.

The data readily available to students concerning companies, to placement heads regarding students and post-placement records for management are some of the advantages of having well-structured placement module in college ERP system.

Time Table is amongst other requirements for running an organized academic session in a college. Unambiguous and properly designed timetable would help in increasing the faculty's and class productivity.

For an application that allows multiple user accession, there is a high-end need for a module like User Management Module. This module clearly defines authorization rules to prevent the system for malicious use.

Visitors at college can arrive for various purpose like admission, job, business motive and others. Identifying and classifying those visitors may be required at any point of time to re-approach them. Hence the recording and classification of all visitors becomes a useful task












•Manages the vehicles which are owned by the college and the vehicles which are hired by the college on rent.

•Integration with fee module of ERP for keeping records of student college transport

•Different routes with different timings can be created and published for a single vehicle.

•After creating a route for a vehicle, a driver who is available in the timing of the route can be identified and allocated to the vehicle for the timing of the route.

•Employees And Students can apply for transport facility and the stop nearest to their location just by logging in to their accounts.

•Different kinds of expenses occurred on the vehicles can be recorded.

•Report generation and management of all the expenses over vehicles.

•Creation of routes made easy by viewing the summarized report regarding the availability of students from particular area around a stop.

•TimeTable: Viewing the allocated timetable to class.

•Attendance: Viewing attendance statistics (monthly and daily attendance on subject basis).

•Library: Viewing record of books issued and search for new books.

•Examination Schedule: Viewing course specific semester exam schedule.

•Academic Results: Viewing examination result for semesters.

•Leave: Submitting leave application & checking application status

•Fee Structure & Due : Viewing course fee structure and his/her monetary dues.

•Syllabus: View his course specific syllabus with downloading option.

•The student module exhibits following features for the students:

•Each student will be provided with username and password on registering itself.

•Using his/her unique credentials, student is allowed to do the following:

•Accessing his/her Profile.

•Searching a book in library books list

•Get the list of the books that are issued on his/her name.

•Details of fine from library, if any.

•View his/her daily and monthly attendance on the basis of subject.

•View his/her examination result of current & previous semesters.

•Submit leave application and view status report of previous leave application.

•Download his/her course specific syllabus.

•View semester examination schedule.

•View his/her class timetable.

•View Fee structure and his/her monetary dues, if any.

•Create New: Creating time table for specific class & faculty.

•Manage Time table: Editing and deleting pre-designed time table.

•View Time Table: Viewing timetable by users (faculty/student/admin)

•The interfaces are provided to easily modify the timetable for faculty and class by admin of the system.

•View of attendance is kept in tabular format for easy readability.

•Adequate additional information is displayed on the interface during timetable creation for class or faculty by admin (or any other role assigned for creating timetable).

•Proper privacy checks are maintained to disallow any unauthorized timetable viewing.

•Vehicle Management: Management of vehicle categories, vehicle details like rented, capacity, etc.

•Route Management: Creation of vehicle stops, assigning multiple stops to single vehicle.

•Vehicle Maintenance and Fuel: Keeps track of the timely fuel and maintenance expenses for the vehicles.

•Driver Management : Assignment of driver to a vehicle, managing replacements and re-allocation of drivers in case of leave, etc., accessing information regarding the available drivers at an instance of time.

•This module provides all checks for providing authorized interface and data to the user on the basis of their login credentials.

•This contains feature that would clearly define roles (users in the system) for the application.

•Roles definition, the important function of this module, will help other modules (like faculty, examination, etc.) of the application in designing their business logics.

•User Role management: Create new roles, edit existing roles & deletion of existing roles.

•User verification: Verification and detention of users.

•Managing Dummy user: Deletion of non-profile users (who have not provided profile details

•Placement Notification: Information regarding new Campus Placement Drive in the college is entered and maintained.

•Eligible Students list: For upcoming campus placement drive, list of eligible students can be generated easily only by selecting course , semester detail & entering the percentage criteria.

•Placement Status: This contains summarized post-placement details that can be viewed by authorized roles of the ERP system.

•Placed Student Details: It provides information about the placed studentsand his respective company.

•Filtered Placement Records: The function is provided to give the filtered placement records on company wise or Year wise basis.

•Timely notifications will get displayed to ERP users.

•List of eligible students (based on parameters like percentage) will be generated on a mouse click.

•Year wise report generation for earlier placement records.

•Graphical representation of placement statistics for better understanding of management

•User friendly interface to record the details related to the visitor at the college

•Facility to filter the records from huge database list to have details of visitors based on any of the category for purpose of visit

•Data Management: Creating database by recording the categories and other details related to visitors

•Classification and Reporting: Filter the visitors on the basis of their visit at college and generating list of visitors based on the classification

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