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I hope you feel small. Humans, as much as we used think we are big, are so small in terms of existance.
Traveling through the universe
By Krista Grant
Each of those solar systems could have many planets.
How big are us humans compared to Earth?
Those planets could be any size. Bigger or smaller than earth.
Our solar system is aproximately 26,820 X 10^6 Km in diameter.
Each has the possibility of over 10s of billions of solar systems in them.
That is a little less than 1,000 million humans.
The milky way galaxy is 1 X 10^17 Km in diameter.
The largest star in the milky way galaxy is 1540 times the size of our sun. That is 2,143.68 X 10^6 Km in diameter.
That is 100 billion galaxies.
Uranus has a diameter of 51,118 Km
Jupiter has a diameter of 142,984 Km.
Neptune has a diameter of 49,528 Km.
Earth has a diameter of 12,756 Km.
Smaller than this.
The largest moon has a diameter of 5,278.6 km.
Venus has a diameter of 12,104 km.
The second largest moon in our solar system has a diameter of 5,150 Km.
The Brachiosaurus is aproximately 26 X10^-3 Km tall.
17 average humans tall is the Ultrasaurus. 30 X 10^-3 Km long.
That can be up to 15 + humans.
Our sun is 1.392 X 10^6 Km in diameter.
The Diplodocus is a little bigger than that sitting at 8 X 10^-3 Km.
The Blue whale is the largest mammal and can be anywhere from 21 X 10^-3 to 27 X 10^-3 Km long.
The tallest and biggest living thing is nothing in comparison to the non-living things. If you think you are small, you are so right.
The smallest moon in our solar sytem is 11.2 Km.
The tallest living thing is the Redwood tree at 115.7 X 10^-3 Km tall.
Twice the size of the average human.
The largest fish in the sea today, the Whale shark, is 19.8 X 10^-3 Km long.
The wandering albatross has the largestwingspan of any living bird today at 3.4 X 10^-3 Km.
Argentinosaurus is the tallest dinosaur that we have records of and it is up to41X 10^-3 km.
A baby Griaffe is 1.8 X 10^-3 Km tall
The giraffe is the tallest mammal on earth.
Do you feel small yet?
Just wait.
Next tallest once living creature is the T-Rex.
The T-Rex can be anywhere frm 12-15 X 10^-3 Km tall.
That is two adult giraffes stacked high.
Just a little taller than the average human.
As humans have evolved...
Two of these
The average human is 1.73 meters tall.
An adult giaffe is almost 3 times the height of the average human.
The smallest mountain is 148 X 10^-3 Km above sea level.
For the purpose of comparison lets say that the average human is 1.73 X 10^-3 Km
5.5 X 10^-3 Km tall.
Humans are smaller than many
things in terms of size.
As humans have evolved alongside technology we have come to the realization that we humans, as grand as we may seem, are so small in terms of existance.
The largest freestanding man made structure is 553.33 X 10^-3 Km tall. That is the CN tower in Toronto Canada.
so has our thinking.
As humans we used to think that our existance was huge. We used to think that we were all there was . We were the kings of this world and ruled over all. Well, we used to.
Pluto is the smallest planet and has a diameter of 2,370 km.
The earth's moon has a diameter of only 3,476 km.
The universe is 26,111 X 10^9 Km in diameter.
Mercury has a diameter of 4,879 Km.
That is a little less than 3 times
as tall as the Argentinosaurus.
Mars has a diameter of 6,792 Km.
Saturn has a diameter of 120,536 Km.