Naugatuck and the Flood of 1955
- Total cost of damage, $23,895,188.
- Today's dollar $164, 064,361 dollars
Introduction to the Flood
- “Today our old apartment building on Hotchkiss Street is gone. In its place are rows of cars belonging to a dealership. My grandfather’s shop is gone. He later relocated to Maple Street. Gone are the other names along South Main - either by the water or Route 8.” (Republican, 64)
- Lets teach our students something about their own town to spark interests and gain the credits needed!
- The flood of Naugatuck Connecticut and the students of Naugatuck High School
- Why should a course on local history be added to Naugatuck High Schools course options?
Background Information
- Hurricane Connie and Hurricane Diane
- Twenty affected towns
- What was the damage like in the town of Naugatuck?
Downtown Naugatuck
- Law enforcement, residents, etc.
- Paddle boats, walking, and helicopters.