Product attributes
• dry and wet feed
• separate feeds for junior and adult dogs
• special feeds for different breeds
• line of oral care snacks
• diet worked out by experts in veterinary and nutrition
and labeling
Current market situation
- misperception: low price = low quality
- long use-by dates: perception of low nutritional values
- difficulties in finding suppliers alternatives
- lack of products for elaborate dog health problems
Product range + website extra services
- perceived as compromise between financial value and relatively good quality
- well-established and trusted in Poland with 48% market share
- diversified snacks and food lines satisfy wide range of pets' needs
- high availability, multi-channel distribution
- good assessments in pet food tests (4/5), consistent with brand positioning
- brand is perceived as socially responsible
Reputation for quality, good recognition => customers' base is to expand and macro- and microeconomical factors cannot post a threat to company's strategy of enlarging market share
- significant number of existent and new competitors
- over 10 new competitive alternatives on the market
- growing ingredients and distribution costs and parallel price-sensitivity of the target market
- competition follow Pedigree's promotional strategy and advertising spending exceeded that of Pedigree
- government considers intensifying regulations regarding pet food quality and production process
- growing demand for dog food triggered by increasing number of pet-owners in Poland and intensified dog humanization
- estimated growth of market valuation by 17% to 2015
- gradual increase of customer's awareness of snacks' role in feeding dogs
- popularity of pets' convenience food serving i.e. health deficiencies
- decreasing tendency to feed dogs with table scraps
Stable position on the market
Pedigree's about to increase its
market share
- packages well-known
- prices well-measured
- intensive distribution
- active and easily-recognized promotion
- socially responsible
Overall information
30 types of dog food and snacks
Petcare brand
manufactured by
Brand Strategy
Target group
•Middle-class families with children, living on the outskirts
•Dog-lovers aware of their pets’ needs
•Treating their dogs a part of their families
•Enjoying spending time with them
Marketing strategy and positioning
Pedigree: we see love.
Pedigree’s product range comprise various types of food, snacks and treats which are produced with meat from the same approved sources as meat for human consumption and created for dogs at all ages whose owners are pleased to satisfy their dogs and enables them to have a healthy, joyful and fulfilling life.
1. Distribution Strategy: INTENSIVE DISTRIBUTION
2. Vertical integration: CONVENTIONAL CHANNEL
3. Length of the channel: LONG