Social Ladder
- The highest postion
- "Chosen by God" (divine right of kings)
- Monarchy
- Had a mead hall for parties
- Owns all the land
- Advised by Witan and Officers: Chancellor, Count of Stables, Treasurer
Princes of Blood/Aetheling
- Aetheling means "noble family"
- Related to the king by blood
- Began as a term to describe anybody in the royal family, but then evolved into describing those in line for kingship
- Wealthy land owners
- King divides the land into shires(counties)and the Eorls are appointed to rule over a section of land
- Eventually they would grow in power until they ruled over multiple shires
- Warriors
- Usually associated with military
- Did not have to be of noble blood to retain his title
- Thegns can be awarded rings, land , and gold
- Theowas were made up of: captives, people with high debts, criminals, people born into slavery
- They could sometimes buy their freedom
- They could buy their freedom and freeing a slave was considered a commendable act
The Political+Social Hierarchy of Anglo-Saxon
By. Alexa K. Jes S. Noah K. Otie S. Nolan M.
Connection to Beowulf,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNHq0-w_L614LflewuxE2NDg7-edmg&ust=1381332088969459
- Warrior named Beowulf was loyal to the king Hrothgar
- Greatest warrior alive, stated that strength was more important than wealth
- Beowulf agrees to kill Grendel not for money, but for glory and adventure
- If you were killed or someone in your family was you were required to be avenged or to avenge them
- An alternative was to pay the family compensation or wergild
- Wergild was based on a peoples ranks in the social ladder
- Hrothgar was a respected king, willing to fight
- Society valued a king who loved action
- Stuck to his word and gave out rewards, wasn't greedy with wealth
The End