Speech and Stage Arts
Fire Ritual
Ceremonies and Rituals:
The Impulse towards Theatre
Magical rituals may be practiced with a group, or by oneself. Normally, magical rituals require special ritual tools and an understanding of the nature of correspondence.
A ritual that involves the Element of Fire, whether as a bonfire, a candle, or some other method.
According to the mythologist Joseph Campbell, rituals are related to three basic concerns: pleasure, power, and duty. Power- influencing and controlling events- was often the intention of rituals such as ceremonies to guarantee a successful crop or to please the gods. Usually societies had rituals that glorified supernatural powers, victories, and heroes. Often supernatural forms would be represented using costumes and masks. Rituals that were practiced as duty to the gods, also brought entertainment and pleasure.
Theatre emerged from ritual and ceremony. Early societies perceived connections between certain actions performed by the group or leaders in the group and the desired results of the whole society. These actions moved from habit, to tradition, and then on to ceremony and ritual. The formulation of these actions, and the consequent repetition and rehearsal, broke the ground for theatre.
Rituals of celebration are much like rituals of worship, except that they usually fall on a specific reoccuring day of the year, much like Yule or Halloween.
Also called a Bardic, this ritual involves the telling of stories, through narrative or through song.
A healing ritual is often performed in private, with one person acting as the healer of another.
Through these rituals, leaders, or actors of sorts, emerged. These acting/leadership roles were often filled by elders and priests. In addition, the beginnings of acting spaces or auditoriums developed as a result of more elaborate rituals.
A protection ritual, like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, is aimed at directing divine energy for protection of the ritualist
These rituals are accompanied by myths. The myths enter the storytelling tradition, gaining a life beyond the original rites. This new life allows the myths to move towards entertainment and the esthetic. These stories now are performed for their own sake and move towards theatre.
Ritual can be used to mean "a series of actions or type of behavior regularly and invariably followed by someone"; in such case, there is no relation with religions.
Ceremony can mean "a formal religious or public occasion, typically one celebrating a particular event or anniversary," or " the ritual observances and procedures performed at grand and formal occasions." In the first case, this word is related to religions.
Ceremonies and Rituals can for the most part be interchanged, however most people will associate ceremonies more with organized religion (such as a church service) or events of achievement, such as a graduation ceremony. Rituals seem to give a cultish vibe - or something considered more tribal - such as an ancient Mayan ritual.
This type is considered a ritual to transform the self.
A funeral ritual involves the sending of the dead to the next world.
Rituals of worship include prayer, consecration of food and drink towards a deity, invoking the name of a deity.
Into any group, organization, cult, etc. there are certain rites and rituals of initiation, in which the seeker or aspirant must partake in, in order to join. These may include vows of secrecy, a ceremonial "rebirth" of some kind into the group, and an oath of loyalty to the group.
Prepared By: Danico Julio Salvador