Fighting Global Disease
"Resistance is Futile"
Teaches: People die everyday due to antibiotic resistance, no matter what medication patients try
"Antimicrobial Resistance"
Teaches: The 2 main factors that drive the rise and spread of resistant organisms are over use and misuse of antimicrobials by individuals, communities, and countries
Word Choice
"Healthy Growth for U.S. Farms"
Teaches: Evidence indicates that our agricultural practices are leading directly to the spread of human disease
- medical terms
- assumes audience understands
Scientific American
How does each author use Ethos Pathos and Logos in their arguements to get their points across?
- Strong persuasive words
- Emphasizes their points
- uses a story
- Makes things very simple
- General audience
Who did we read?
- Sharma’s "Antimicrobial Resistance: No Action Today, No Cure Tomorrow"
- Scientific American’s "Healthy Growth for US Farms"
Philosophical, Ideological and Political
- Antimicrobial resistance can save lives
- McArdle’s "Resistance is Futile"
- 19,000 deaths due to antibiotic resistance strain MRSA
- Increase cost of antibiotic and pay companies more for fewer sold antibiotics
- In"antimicrobial Resistance: No Action Today, No Cure Tomorrow" by the author Anuj Sharma his main argument is about the scientific effect the advantages and the disadvantages of antimicrobial .
- "Healthy Growth For U.S farms" this piece focuses on the political and economic side of the argument which is protecting our agriculture that depends on our farming system.
- "Resistance is Futile" by Megan McArdle. the author is arguing about the economic effect of the antibiotic as well as how it could harm us.