Minor Characters in Hamlet
Misleads the king and queen about Hamlet.
“Your noble son is mad…”(Ⅱ. ⅱ. 92-95).
When Polonius is killed Hamlet’s revenge is greatly subdued.
“Hamlet, this deed, for thine...”(Ⅳ. ⅲ. 40-46).
Polonius’s death triggers Laertes’ rage and Ophelia’s insanity.
“How came he dead? I’ll not be juggled with...”(Ⅳ. ⅴ. 130-136).
Yep... Discussion
How do you think Hamlet’s vengeance would have played out if Polonius had not died?
The Final Question
Which minor character do you think is the most
important regarding the theme of revenge? Why?
Discussion Time!
Do you think that if Ophelia had gone against her family's
wishes to stay away from Hamlet the plot would have taken a
different direction? If so, how in relation to revenge?
And We Shall
Commence Discussing!
Do you think that if Horatio was taken out of the play
the outcome would be the same? Why or why not?
Motivates Hamlet to take revenge.
- “I will fighT with him upon this theme / until my eyelids will no
longer wag" (V. ii. 261-262).
- “The cat will mew, and the
dog will have his day" (V. ii. 287).
Motivates Laertes to kill Hamlet.
- “And so I have a noble father lost… But my revenge will come” (IV. vii. 25-29)
Brings out Hamlet's emotional side.
"I lov'd Ophelia..." (V. i. 255-257).
Introduces the idea that hamlet is crazy.
- “My lord, as I was in my closet... he comes before me" (II. i. 77-84).
Horatio acts as a guiding figure for Hamlet
- "You will lose..." (V.ii.209).
- "I do not think so..." (V.ii. 210-213).
Horatio is the only one to survive and tell what happened
- "Carnal,bloody and unnatural acts..." (V.ii. 386-388).
Talks to Hamlet about Claudius' behaviour
- “ Upon the talk of poisoning, “ (iii.ii.283).
- "I did very well note him” (iii.ii.284).
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern
Let us Discuss!
Do you think that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
deserve to be murdered for joining forces
with Claudius? Why?
Hey, Aren't the Minor Characters Important Too?
- Used by Claudius
- “I like him not… his brows.” (3.3.1-7)
- Attempt to win them over
- “Ay, sir… dry again.” (4.2.14-20)
- They get killed
- “High and mighty… strange return.” (4.7.42-46)
These minor characters influence the revenge between major characters.