China, the Ottoman Empire, and Japan
problems in the empire
Tokugawa japan (1603-1868)
- Period of relative peace and stability
- Except for occasional riots/revolts from lower classes
- No strong central authority
- Daimyo had considerable autonomy
- Shogun prevents CW
- Samurai become bureaucrats
- Very urbanized country
- High literacy rates
- Lose territories to Christians and/or areas gain independence
- Western advances hurt economy
- Euros now have direct access to Asia
- Euros manufacture cheap stuff
- Euro merchants exempt from Ottoman law
- By 1882, Ottoman economy is controlled by Euros
Ottoman Empire
- Unlike China and Ottoman Empire, this period sees the rise of Japan as a world power
- Commodore Perry forces the "opening" of Japan in 1853
- 1853-1900: Rapid changing of Japanese society
Why does China collapse?
meiji restoration
efforts to reform
- People not happy about Perry
- Starts a CW
- 1868: Group of young Samurai, representing Emperor Meiji (restoration of imperial rule)
- Save Japan from the West by making internal improvements
- No IR
- Results in famine (no 2nd AgRev either)
- Central state loses power (again, too big)
- Rebellions become normal
- Taiping Uprising (1850-1864)
- Want industrialization and equality
- Causes a massive CW (20-30 million killed)
- Rebellion is crushed, but...
- Economic instability
- Local elites gain more power
- Much different than China
- Late 18th century:
- Ruler (Selim III) reforms military and admin
- Sends ppl to Europe to learn
- Established new schools
- Tanzimat (post-1839)
- More far-reaching reforms
- Industrialization and Modernization
- Equality of all citizens under the law
- What does this do for traditional Islamic rule?
- 1750: Ottoman empire was center of Islamic world
- 1900: "Sick man of Europe"
- Each region slowly falling to Christian rule
- Create national unity
- (Mostly) Legal equality--no special privileges for the daimyo and samurai
- Study western advances and apply them in Japan
- Move away from Confucian-based society to emphasis on Shinto
- State sponsored industrialization
responses to reform
japan and the world
Enter the Euros...
- Western powers begin to recognize Japan as an equal
- Imperial expansion
- Wars against China and Russia
- Gain control of Korea and Taiwan
- Colonial policies were as brutal as the Euros
- Selim III deposed in 1807
- Successes of Islamic resistance outside of Ottoman Empire provide some inspiration
- Young Ottomans
- Want constitutional rule
- More secular state
- 1876: Sultan accepts a constitution
- Doesn't last very long
- Threat of Russia suspends reform movements
- Opium wars as pivotal moment in Sino-European relations
- BR sells opium from India in China
- INCREDIBLY addictive, but INCREDIBLY lucrative for BR
- 1836: Chinese emperor shuts the trade down, expels Euros from China
- BR respond with two separate wars
- 1793: China is a major world power, capable of rebuffing the Euros
- 1912: Empire has collapsed
young turks
European expansion
- Young Turks=Nationalist group that emerges out of the Young Ottomans
- Want a secular, TURKISH state
- Military coup in 1908 puts them in power
- Discriminate against non-Turks in the empire
- This stimulated other nationalisms
- Ottoman empire completely gone after WWI
opium wars
- Form of Economic imperialism
- First Opium War (1839-1842)
- Forced China to accept free trade
- Ends with Treaty of Nanjing
- China pays $21 million
- Cedes HK to the BR
- 5 ports forced open to trade
- Second Opium War (1856-1858)
- More ports opened to Euros
- China must accept foreign missionaries
Other Reasons for Expansion
- Understanding of other cultures no longer solely defined by religion
- Noble Savage
- Now Euros have little respect for other cultures
- Sense of superiority
- "White man's burden"
- New "science" to support racist ideology
- Social Darwinism
- "Unfit" races will not survive
collapse of the qing empire
- 19th century is height of Euro expansion
- Large parts of the world become part of Europe's colonies
- Why does this happen?
- IR
- Rise of nationalism=rise of empire
Attempts to modernize
- Death of Dowager Empress Cixi in 1908
- Sun Yat-sen’s 3 Principles of the People
- Nationalism, Democracy, and People’s Welfare
- Qing falls in 1912
- End of the imperial system
- Replaced by the Republic of China
- Sun Yat-sen named 1st president
Questions to consider
boxer rebellion (1900)
- China's emperors attempt to correct problems, but ultimately not successful
- More rigorous application of Confucian principles
- Revive examination system
- Anti-colonial insurrection, supported by the dowager empress Cixi
- Burned Christian churches, executed Chinese Christians
- Boxers captured Beijing
- Eventually suppressed by a coalition of Euros and Japanese
- Eventually, gov't can not sustain itself any longer; collapses in 1912
- What accounts for European expansion in this period?
- What accounts for the decline of China and Ottoman empire?
- C&C reform efforts in China, Ottoman empire, and Japan.