Essential Question
Positive Impacts
How do Video Games Affect Children Mentally?
Other Facts About Video Games
Video Games-a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.
- Positive impacts outweigh the negative, but more people hear about the negative impacts instead.
- Some Positive effects are family closeness, higher involvement in activities, greater attachment to school, and positive mental health.
- It also can improve helping behaviors depending on if a child is playing a game where you help others. It can also promote sharing, cooperation, teamwork, and empathy for others if you are playing with other people online.
- Video games are also an initiative activity which means that it helps children become more resourceful, self-motivation-stronger creativity and imaginative ideas, strategy, and planning.
- Video games can also help people persevere because if you lose at something, it helps you to keep trying and to pursue to win.
- Problem-solving games help players to think logically and improve one's ability to solve real world problems.
- Playing video games are a good stress reliever and are a good distraction from worries.
- Playing games that involve aiming or shooting, can promote a player's vision, hand-eye coordination, and sensitivity of vision
- 97% of all teens and children play video games today
- The domestic video game industry brings in $12 billion a year
- Games that are pro social, where you help people and are rewarded, the results are children showing more helpfulness in their daily lives
- Positive effects outweigh the bad
- Games give a more realistic virtual playing experience
- Playing games improves the skill to be able to move your hands quickly with purpose
- Helps to bring children together and entertain themselves
The Different Types of Game Ratings
- EC (Early Childhood)-Games for ages 3 and up
- E (Everyone)-Games for ages 6 and up (Little violence and comic mischief)
- T (Teens)-Games for ages 13 and up (More Violent than E and sometimes has strong language)
- M (Mature)-Games for 17 and up (For adults, intense violence, strong language, and mature sexual themes)
- AO (Adults Only)-Games for adults only (Has intense violence, intense sexual themes, and are not intended for under 18)
- RP (Rating Pending)-Games that have their rating still being decided.
Negative Impacts
- http://www.rootsofaction.comm/video-games-for-kids-more-good-than-bad-for-development/
A conflict that is going on currently, is parents are buying their children games that are E for Everyone, T for Teens, and M for Mature, which can be the cause for aggressive behavior for younger children because they are playing games not meant for their age.
- Can cause addiction to playing the game
- Can cause depression and poor grades
- Children who play with a low social competence, and greater impulsiveness have a higher risk of becoming a pathological gamer and a pathological gamer is someone who is involved and addicted to the action of playing video games and can be the only thing they want to do. A pathological gamer can be that way because they are susceptible to a physical or mental disease
- Some other outcomes are lack of focus, depression, anxiety, social phobias(the fear to hang out snd be involved with other people)
- Violent games cause teens to have more of an aggressive behavior.
- More popular games nowadays tend to be violent games.
Power Hour Project 2017
By Ty Farrington