Those are lot of the facts about precipitation. I learned that sleet is rain and snow. I also learned that it rains 0.02 every hour on a regular day. Because of this I learned many things.
Clouds are a big part of precipitation. They hold all of precipitation. There are tree types of clouds. The cumulus cloud looks like cotton balls. The stratus cloud takes up a big area.The cirrus cloud is made by ice crystals.
hurricanes are dangers. They from in warm water. They can bring lots of rain.Also they can make people homeless. Also it makes floods and make Erosion. Hurricanes are a cyclone. They are the a huge. That is about Hurricanes
lighting is dangerous. It is electricity from clouds. It can kill you. lighting is attracted to metal and things that are the highest point in that area.That is about lighting.
Snow is common in the winter. It only snows when it is below freezing witch is 32 degrees. Also snow is frozen water particles in the cloud's. Also snow flacks are never the same shape. To be a blizzard the winds must be thirty five miles per hour. Snow can make ice and ice can make roads slippery and that can cause car crashes. Snow can delay schools and close roads. That is all about the awesome precipitation called snow.
Precipitation is just water falling from the sky. It contains rain,snow,sleet,and hail.
Hail is ice. It can cause serious damage it can also kill you. Also it comes to the size of a golf ball to the size of a baseball. Also it can brake windshield also it can dent. Also it is made because when the cloud is below freezing and all the other layers are below freezing. Also hail can cause you the most damming. That is about Hail.
Sleet is 50% rain and 50% snow. It is caused when Snow gos throw a clod layer of the atmosphere then a hot layer and the a cold layer so then it is sleet. Sleet is common in the winter so when it is raining in the winter it is a 80% changes that it is sleet.
Rain is water. It can help plants and people. It is the most common type of precipitation. Also rain can flood places and can ruin many places in a instant.When hurricane Sandy hit N.Y.C it fooled the subways in seconds. Also it rains 0.02 inches a hour on a regular day.Also rain comes from clouds. When the water particles get to heavy and fall. that is about rain.