Introduction to Multimedia Applications
Multimedia in Business
Thinking Hats On!
Where is Multimedia?
- Where do you experience Multimedia?
- The main priority of a business is its consumers.
- Consumers – those who buy products or avail services
- Changing nature of consumers
Let us look at some examples of where multimedia is being used today
- Business
- Home and Personal
- Education
Multimedia in Education
These type of applications that were created with the intention of aiding learning but infused with a twist of “fun” and “entertainment”
- Learning Games
- Instructional Cartoons
Multimedia in Business
Multimedia in Education
Dale’s Cone of Learning illustrates that people generally remember
10% of what they read
20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
50% of what they hear and see
70% of what the say and write
90% of what they do
- Marketing / Advertising Tools
- Product Demos
- Product Customization
- Interactive Product Views
- Interactive Catalogue
- Virtual Tours
- Interactive Forms and Polls
- Changing nature of education
- Students today are visual learners who would rather see pictures and watch movies rather than read long texts
- Multimedia provides a more visual way to learn
- Students are no longer limited to textbooks
Defining Multimedia
- Literally means “Many Media”
- Combination of digitally manipulated media – text, images, audio, video or animation
- Integrated into an interactive application that runs on a computer
- Provides links that lets the user navigate across the application
- Provides user control over the navigation and use of the application