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Birthing Practices in Spanish Speaking Cultures

Epidural and pain medications

  • 53% less likely to have an epidural
  • 41% less likely to use a combination of epidural and IV medications

Kueter, Christine P. "U.Va. Student Finds Hispanic Women Opt for

Labor Pain Relief Less Often Than Others." UVA Today. 04 Feb. 2014.

Web. 30 Jan. 2016.

Interesting findings related

to birthing practices

Alternate Birthing Positions

  • pregnant women are encouraged to quit their jobs and rest
  • birth is often attended by experienced elder
  • La Cuarentena
  • home remedies prevent Post Partum Depression
  • Do not traditionally lay down for birth
  • A lot of women prefer to squat as gravity helps the birthing process

Authors: kaitlyn & Lauren

Every Culture is Different

"Pregnancy, Birth, Post Partum in Different Cultures- Student Article - Birth Arts International." Birth Arts International. 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2016.

Boules, N. (n.d.). Cultural Birthing Practices and Experiences. Retrieved from https://www.cmrc.com.au/assets/files/pubs/cultural_birthing_practices_and_experiences.pdf

  • Every culture has a different view about what is the best way to welcome a child into the world.
  • It is important to have cultural competence and awareness in order to respect the wants of a woman giving birth (and anytime)

Delayed Breastfeeding

Greater Cesarian Deliveries

  • Increase in deliveries with low risks - Doctors encouraging
  • Related to increased BMI
  • In Brazil, almost 82% of babies are born via C-Section

  • Some women, who intend to breast feed, will delay feeding their baby via breast milk for three days
  • They see the first stages of breast milk as bad for the baby

Bernardi, J. R., Pinheiro, T. V., Mueller, N. T., Goldani, H. A., Gutierrez, M. R., Bettiol, H., . . . Goldani, M. Z. (2015). Cesarean delivery and metabolic risk factors in young adults: A Brazilian birth cohort study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 102(2), 295-301.

Boules, N. (n.d.). Cultural Birthing Practices and Experiences. Retrieved from https://www.cmrc.com.au/assets/files/pubs/cultural_birthing_practices_and_experiences.pdf

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