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Epidural and pain medications
Kueter, Christine P. "U.Va. Student Finds Hispanic Women Opt for
Labor Pain Relief Less Often Than Others." UVA Today. 04 Feb. 2014.
Web. 30 Jan. 2016.
Interesting findings related
to birthing practices
Alternate Birthing Positions
"Pregnancy, Birth, Post Partum in Different Cultures- Student Article - Birth Arts International." Birth Arts International. 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2016.
Boules, N. (n.d.). Cultural Birthing Practices and Experiences. Retrieved from https://www.cmrc.com.au/assets/files/pubs/cultural_birthing_practices_and_experiences.pdf
Delayed Breastfeeding
Greater Cesarian Deliveries
Bernardi, J. R., Pinheiro, T. V., Mueller, N. T., Goldani, H. A., Gutierrez, M. R., Bettiol, H., . . . Goldani, M. Z. (2015). Cesarean delivery and metabolic risk factors in young adults: A Brazilian birth cohort study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 102(2), 295-301.
Boules, N. (n.d.). Cultural Birthing Practices and Experiences. Retrieved from https://www.cmrc.com.au/assets/files/pubs/cultural_birthing_practices_and_experiences.pdf