Group Processes
Model making vs Curriculum writing
- more challenging
- more visual and tangible.
- changes to model can be immediate, but unable to do so for curriculum
What we have learned
- Creating a curriculum.
- Working different people
- Writing an in-depth curriculum
- Going for field trip and asking questions
- Various thought processes we had to undergo
- Words used in meetings
- Variety of activities
- Contextualize and integration
Goals of study
- recreate their understanding of a wet market through various modalities such as block play, dramatization and drawing
- develop observation, comparison, classification skills
Goals of Study
Activities Planned
What we have learned
Group process
Activities planned
- Block play
- Dramatization
- Drawing
- Reading of storybooks
Wet Market
- Were we on the right track?
- Sequencing of meetings
- Finding books
- Phrasing our sentences
- Constantly change of the meetings