A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway working at his book For Whom the Bell Tolls at Sun Valley, Idaho in December 1939
- Born: Ernest Miller Hemingway
- July 21, 1899-July 2, 1961
- Oak Park Illinois (near Chicago)
- Named after his grandfather
- Disliked his name
- "associated with the naive, even foolish hero of Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of Being Earnest".
- Ambulance driver in WWI
- Wounded & returned home
- War experience inspired A Farewell to Arms
- Married FOUR times...quite the ladies man
- Lived abroad in Paris, Africa, Toronto, Cuba, Chicago, Key West...etc.
- After moving to Idaho in 1959, he committed suicide in 1961
In a Nutshell...
The Art of Simplicity
- Gloomy conclusion....BUT these valuable things are ultimately, like everything else, defenseless against the overwhelming nothingness of existence.
- What have you learned about our roles and places in life?
- Originally published "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" in 1926
- Short and sweet
- Maddeningly simple
- Overarching Themes
- Loneliness
- Isolation
- Futility of modern society
- Age
- Mortality
- Religious and Political undertones
- Reflection of WWI
- Does it put our actions and lives in perspective?
...basically...he evokes the tragic and beautiful reality of mortality within 1500 words!
- Is Hemingway hinting that maybe there is something bigger than us?
Why Should You Care?
Even though all the characters we encounter in the story are all in different stages of life, we know that all of them await the same fate - by extension, perhaps all of us.
- WHY so morose and morbid?
- Who do you relate with the most?
- Did you sympathize with the young waiter?
- What was the significance of the soldier and guard?
So what exactly is the point?
- Rather repetitive....some things are certain
- Hemingway encourages acceptance
- Suggestion of something bigger than us
Literary Analysis