After World War II .....
the United States was the world's
most powerful nation. Americans were ready to forget about World War II and get
back to the good times!
Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect.
He designed amazing one of a kind homes.
Every structure was a work of art
Credit Cards
Americans began using credit cards to buy all sorts of products
In the 1950’s “buying on time” (which we all know means that you pay a little and then pay the rest later) became a normal practice again, it wasn't just used in emergencies.
The 1920's was the last time people could buy without paying right away.
With people buying more, the US was able to go from a war economy to a consumer economy!
only to face racism at home
A court case called Brown vs the Board of Education made segregation in public schools illegal
Rosa Parks became a symbol of the struggle to end segregation when she was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man
Her arrest would lead to the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Executive Order 9981
* Signed by President Truman
* Ordered the de-segregation of the military
* Armed services were now to treat people equally
regardless of race, color or religion
After World War II, women were expected to go from this...........
to this .............
American society wanted women to stop being Rosie the Riveter and go back to being a housewife.
Women were expected to leave work to open up the jobs for returning soldiers.
Towards the end of the War, new “studies” in magazines
began to appear reminding women that soon they would
return joyfully to homemaking.
Some women enjoyed working and did not want to leave their jobs so men could go back to work in the factories.
Many women wanted to keep working and earn their own money but ---- they did leave their jobs so the soldiers could come back to work in the factories.
But their daughters (the next generation of women) would enter the work force in large numbers!!!
Post-War Consumerism Presentation #2
Do you see ..........
The house?
The car?
How do the people look?
Look carefully at the next few images to see
what you can learn about the 1950's
Post War Consumerism
Did you notice that all of the images were about consumer goods?
This room is so awesome that the entire room was re-made inside a museum so everyone could visit it!!!
A House Called Falling Water
What was happening
in the
United States after
World War II
African Americans
Many African Americans came home from fighting racism (the racism against Jews in Europe) after World War II
Her arrest would lead to the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Women After the War
With the video we are about to see, notice how the boss treats the female employees. Does it seem like he wants to work with them..........................
Does this remind you of another era we studied?
The End. Find presentation #3 to continue.........