Alcohol Testing in the Workplace
General Testing Procedures
Adopted from DOT Part 40 and COAA Canadian Model for Providing a Safe Workplace.
Test Results
Why worry about alcohol?
- If the results are less than 0.00 grams/210 liters of breath, the test is complete. Write results in the paperwork, or tape the printout to the paperwork. Ensure paperwork is complete before allowing the donor to leave the building.
- If the results are more than 0.00g/210L of breath, a confirmation test must be completed.
1. Check Donor's ID
(photo ID preferred, although positive identification by a company representative is also acceptable.
Alcohol Policy
Donor to fill out
Collector to fill out
Designed to provide a safe workplace for all employees whose safety may be affected by the conduct of employees and to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and with respect.
2. Explain the procedure to the donor and complete the pretest paperwork.
3. Open a wrapped mouthpiece with donor watching and attach it to the testing device.
4. Explain to the donor how to provide a breath sample. Donor performs test.
5. Record the test result. Finish paperwork with donor present.
Employees shall not:
- use, possess, or sell alcohol while one company property or at a company workplace.
- come to work with an alcohol level of 0.040g per 210L of breath.
- refuse to:
- comply with a request to submit to an alcohol test
- provide a sample for an alcohol test.
- tamper with a sample.
Types of Testing:
- Random: Employees are tested through a randomized list generated by a computer program
- Near Miss: Employer may request testing when an accident or near miss occurs
- Site Access: Employees may be required before access to a job site
- Reasonable Suspicion: An employee may be tested if there is reasonable grounds to believe they may not be complying with the company alcohol policy
Testing Results
Results can be:
- Positive
- Negative
- Inconclusive
- Tampered
Each company will have specific guidelines and protocol for results.
Using the Drager AlcoTest 6810
Factors Affecting Donor:
- Hold the OK button to power the machine on.
- Unwrap the square end of the tube and line up the tube and the Drager. Press on until you hear a click.
- Instruct client to exhale through the tube until the machine clicks.
- Wait a moment for the result to be displayed on the screen.
and receptacle
Drager Alcotest 6810
- Shortness of breath: some working conditions, medical conditions and medications can cause shortness of breath.
- Ensure the donor has a place to sit and rest, and allow them time to catch their breath, if necessary.
Up and Down Menu Scrolling
The Drager Alcotest 6810 provides a quick sample of a person's blood alcohol concentration through measurement of the breath alcohol concentration.
Lamp red/green/yellow optical interface
Operates power and confirms entries/selected functions in the menu
Environmental Factors:
Have a drink...
- Device operation temperature: -5 degrees Celsius to 50 degrees Celsius.
- Device storage temperature: -40 degrees Celsius to 65 degrees Celsius.
Confirmation Test
Once consumed, alcohol is absorbed into the blood through the stomach
Blood transports alcohol to the brain through the heart and the lungs
Things to Remember:
- Wait 15 - 30 minutes after initial test before performing the confirmation test.
- Do not allow donor anything to eat, drink or smoke.
- Follow the same procedure outlined above.
Alcohol is circulated throughout the body into the tissue and back to the heart and lungs through the veins.
- A new mouthpiece must be used for each person being tested.
- Do not apply high alcohol concentrations to the sensor, this will reduce the sensor service life.
- Keep a sufficient distance away from antennas of mobile phones and transmitting stations.
Alcohol is exhaled through the mouth and nose, which is how we can test for alcohol using the breath.
- If results are equal or greater than 0.00 grams/210 liters of breath, after the confirmation test, follow the protocol as outlined in the company's file. Please direct any questions to James/Kylie
- Complete the paper work and have the donor do so as well.
- Have donor initial both copies of the results.
- Verbally report the results to the company's designated representative or James/Kylie.