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Cost breakdown
Website Infrastructure
Ksh 2,800 per month
Payable in annual installments
Annual Total
Ksh 33,600
Microsoft Live email server with full Cloud Computing capability, Ms. Office suite & 7GB One Drive per user (50 user accounts)
4GB Web space, unlimited monthly bandwidth
.KE domain name registration
Year round website maintenance & update
Website Design
Est 27 hours. Ksh 2,200 per hour
One-time Total
Ksh 59,400
Full CMS website, content development, functionality programming, SEO, database integration, testing & deployment
Website functionality
- Interactivity media to communicate with members better e.g newsletters, SMS alerts
- Ability to handle online Sacco products and services e.g download of loan forms
- Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to enable favourable ranking with search engines
- Social network integration
flexibility & scalability
Website infrastructure
- A good domain name, easy to remember and find on the internet
Website design
- A powerful and reliable email system customised to your organisation for a professional outlook
cloud computing
- A reliable web server that can handle client requests and process downloads effectively
Website content
responsive website layout
- Detailed description of the Sacco including important information about management
- Detailed but concise description of main products and services
- Development of Sacco products & services that can be provided online e.g loan forms
- Clever use of multimedia such as photos & video to enhance effectiveness of content
content is king
The need for a website
- Important communication tool
- Important marketing & advertising tool
- Functional tool that extends SACCO services beyond office hours and anywhere in the world
global visibility
Proposal for website development