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What can impact sport performance?


Humidity is how much water there is in the air. It can affect sports performance on quite a large scale.

It can make the athlete feel hot and sticky and can also make them feel really heavy which can obviously keep them back as they don't feel at their peak.

It can also dehydrate because humidity results in sweating.

So humidity can affect you on a large scale, but nothing compared to some other weather conditions.


Rain can be a pain! If really heavy, it can impact vision but can also bring down the athlete's core temperature.

This will impact a game of Soccer. The player may not see their team mate down field when they could've scored a goal.

If the athlete stops moving, they can rapidly become very cold and without any type of heating. So rain can be a major problem not only because of this but also because it is so common.


So now we've got cold, or low temperatures. At extremes, it can tighten muscles and also limit breathing which is the biggest thing not just in sport but everything. The way to warm up is to run around but if they're playing golf, it's just not going to work.

Having muscle contractions because of the cold, can really do damage. Players need warm and loose muscles to move around quick and kick long. In cold conditions, this is where most of injuries occur if not warmed up properly before the game.

Cold is one of the biggest factors. This is because it causes injury as well as sickness such as the cold.


Hail stones are block of ice that rain when it is really cold. It is a pretty big factor because the sport will be cancelled. You can't run around while there are rocks of ice falling. So in all, if there is hail, there is no game.


Wind is another big problem. If you are playing AFL, depending on the strength of the wind, can impact performance greatly. Kicks won't go where the player wants them because the wind will push them another direction.

Golf is another example. If the hole is over a lake, and the wind if going the opposite direction, the ball may not clear the lake.


Snow is a lot like rain. it can impact vision and rapidly reduce core body temperature. Unlike rain, however, it can cause much larger problems. It can cause frosbite and other related conditions. So really, snow is pretty much rain but on an extreme scale. Also, we don't get snow in Perth so we don't have to worry.


Fog is where clouds fly really low. This can affect sporting performance largely. Among hail and lightning, the game will have to be cancelled. With fog and mist, player can't sometimes even see their hand in front of your face. This is why it is such a problem.


Heat can affect you pretty badly. It can cause dehydration and this will impact sporting performance largely. Another thing is that heat can make you feel really tired and can sometimes give players the drive to give up.

Dehydration is a big problem in sport. It can cause severe headaches and dizziness. This can be caused if too much water or electrolytes are lost. Heat and humidity are major causes of this

So heat can be a large factor, but not as big as the next one.


Lightning is one of the biggest problems in sport. This can cause the sport to be cancelled therefore affecting sporting performance as athletes aren't able to compete in the first place.

Ocean currents

This doesn't seem like a big one but this can affect sailing, open water swimming and most other water sports.

If an athlete is open water swimming and there is a current, then it can be either very easy or very hard depending on the direction. If they are swimming with the current, they don't really have to do anything but if it is against them, only the best could finish the race.


Pollution is a build up of unwanted materials. It can be a problem but in a lot of sports, doesn't bother anyone or isn't even there. In AFL games, there isn't much pollution as they are pretty vigilant when it comes to litter. They have a lot of bins but people litter anyway. The only way it could affect the players is if something got onto the field but the security won't let things into the stadium that could be thrown onto the field such as cans and plastic bags.

The only big problem on pollution would be in the water. If there are nasty chemicals then it can cause disease or even death among athletes. This is the main problem within pollution.


Latitude has an average amount of impact on athletes. It depicts how hot it is and all the other weather conditions. If you are below the equator which we are, depending on how far down you are, you may have extreme heats or snow. This is measured on the latitude lines.


Landforms are natural forms in the land. They dont play a huge role in affecting performance. One role, however, is if you are on a mountain lets say. As the altitude increases, the air gets thinner so breathing becomes harder. So if an athlete was playing sport or climbing a mountain at altitude, they will have trouble breathing so will not perform at their best.

Dehydration is a big problem as you get headaches, dizziness and sometimes loss of conciousness. Humidity and heat can cause this if you don't get enough electrolytes or water.

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