Veggie Vittles
- The High School Food Court
The Pizza Place
Entree sold for $3.00 with a demand of 15
Serves Pizza and spaghetti
Entree sold at $2.50 with a demand of 80
- Taco villa- meat tacos
- The Wildcat's Den- sub sandwich
- Veggie Vittles-veggie sandwich
- Home Ec Kitchen- meat and potatoes
- Fleur de Lys- Crab crepe
- Bubba's - steak
- Sally's- salad
- Bennie's- hamburgers
- Hunan wok- lemon chicken
- Borsch wok- borsch
- The Pizza place- spaguetti
- The Roastery- chicken
- Promotes good healthy eating habits
- Offers fresh healthy food like raw fruits and vegetables
- No animal products whatsoever
- Satisfies Vegetarian needs
- environmentally friendly
- offers family-style Italian food with lots of variety
- High demand and popular with students
- Really good food. Everyone loves pizza!
- Good profit
Thoughts during selection
Our goal as the student council, is we must come to a decision on which restaurants to incorporate in our food court, while also keeping in mind the health and economic needs of the students as well as what appeals them, and what would benefit the students and the school as a whole.
Daily Profit: $94.00
Daily Cost: $106.00
Total Revenue: $200.00
Total Profit of $67,680 over 4 years
while making our decision on what restaurants would best benefit our school Food Court we focused on these key points
- Interests, and needs of the students (Give the people what they want)
- We wanted to showcase a variety of food choices and styles to offer the students that will accommodate to their financial and nutritional needs, while also giving students the opportunity to develop skills in life and work experience that would benefit them in the future and cater to the majority of the students eating habits, from meat lovers to vegetarians.
- Profit and benefits
- To encourage more activities and events at our school; bringing in more profit to make the school better for our students.
- Approval
- We took into consideration suggestions from students, parents, school board members and the community. And we tried to comply to the wishes of everyone as best as we could, while also keeping in mind what each board member that has to approve the selection of our desired restaurants wanted, and also balancing the demands of students.
Daily Cost: $40.50
Daily Profit: $4.50
Daily Revenue: $45.00
Total profit of $3,240 over 4 years
Hunan Wok
The Wildcat's Den
Serves Authentic Chinese Cuisine
Entree sold for $2.00 with a demand of 37
Entree sold for $1.50 with a demand of 250
Entree sold at $2.50 with a demand of 100
- Good food
- Ideal prices
- Gives students the opportunity to acquire work experience
- Benefits school's School-to-work programs
- 25% of students in career class so it aids in career exploration
- Introduction to the culinary field
- Quality food prepared by students
- Very high demand, appeals to students
- Ethnic - spices up the variety
- Flavorful choices
- Good food for Low prices
- Excellent profit
- 30 years of experience serving fast food
- Popular among teenagers
- Popular demand among the student body
- Great food at great prices
- Friendly, Great "at home" environment
- Popular hangout
- Traditional "American" food
Daily cost: $59.60
Daily profit: $14.40
Revenue: $74.00
Total profit of $10,375.20 over 4 years
In conclusion, we tried to accommodate the needs and wishes of our school board members, students, and the community, but our main focus was demand and profit. We have chosen these 5 restaurants because we feel that they ensure the satisfaction of our student body, while also bringing in excellent profit over the course of 4 years. Over 4 years these restaurants would make a profit of $329,695.20 and student council would receive $65,939,04 to improve our school.
Daily Cost: $130.00
Daily profit: $245.00
Revenue: $375.00
Total Profit of $176,400 over 4 years
Daily Cost: $150.00
Daily Profit: $100.00
Total Revenue: $250.00
Total Profit of $72,000 over 4 years