Organizations that prepare for a crisis often employ the use of teams in developing a crisis management plan
Crisis Management Team and Structure
Why is a crisis team important?
Is ıt always necessary to have the CEO on the crisis management team?
- Additional resources to help identify vulnerabilities and to develop plans to prevent and manage them
The CEO's active participation is important to help ensure that major strategic decisions are made and specific responsibilities are assigned. However in larger corporations, this can be accomplished through the participation of the organization's number- two person or anorher senior officer
Effective crisis management has become significant for organizations operating today. Hardly a week passes when we do not read or hear about an organization being faced with a crisis. A corporation may encounter a number of crises, for example, contamination, fire, leaks, layoffs, takeovers, rumors, mergers, and downsizing
In the event of a crisis, an organization must have formal guidelines and procedures for communicating to employees, as well as the general public
What is a crisis management team?
A crisis management team is a small group of people assembled to help plan for and manage a crisis.
Why is a crisis team important?
- Ownership and commitment from a wide range of executives and workers with different areas of expertise
What is the optimum number of the people on a crisis-management team?
The number of the people on the crisis- mnagement team is likely to be between five and ten. Possibly even fewer at a smaller company
Crisis Team will likely include two or more of following:
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chief Operating Officer
- Senior Public Relations Official
- Senior Marketing Official
- Human Resources Director
- Heads of Company Divisions
- Quality-Assurance director
- Manufacturing or plant manager
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Legal Counsel
- Attorney from the company's outside legal counsel
- Senior Conselor from a respected public Relations or crisis management firm
- A senior administrative assitant to document discussions during the meeting and to take minutes
Why is a crisis team important?
Assitance in developing materials in advance
Who should be on a crisis- management team?
Why is a crisis team important?
Membership changes from one organization to organization, depending on the positions in the company and its size
Additional resources to help
identify vulnerabilities and to develop plans to prevent and manage them
Why is a crisis team important?
Third- party involvement
and counsel from people outside your organization
Why is a crisis team important?
Members of a crisis management team are those whose input is important when planning for a potential crisis and will be critical when a crisis occurs
A crisis management team helps an organization;
- to achieve valuable input from company executives and workers with different areas of expertise
Employees who are members of a crisis management team must possess effective communication and management skills
A crisis management team should possess excellent decision-making skills
between group members, and other employees within the organization
All of these skills perform important roles in organizing and designing the plan,
selecting and assigning members to crisis units, and training group and organizational members on the crisis plan.
These skills allow team members the opportunity to facilitate and exchange ideas among the organization’s diverse departments, monitor key assumptions that may influence the belief system of the crisis plan, obtain employee opinions on potential crisis and crisis management, and encourage novel experiments that could benefit the organization in preparing for a crisis.
During a crisis, creating and institutionalizing a positive mind-set begins with an effective crisis management team
Organizations will experience greater success when crisis preparation and response rests
with a crisis management team than with an individual.
The first task of the central core is to draw up a list of names to be added to the crisis management team . this is done so that, when the crisis hits, no one has to sit around and wonder who ought to be called in
How can the crisis-management team help in the plannig area?
The crisis management team can help to:
- Determine crisis-management objectives, strategies and tactics for the organization
- Discuss vulnerabilities and help establish priorities.
- Make decisions, assign responsibilities, and establish deadlines
- Review, revise, and approve the bussines's crisis managemnt plan and crisis-response manuals
- Identify the copany's spokes people
- Ensure that crisis management is treated as a priority area that deserves outgoing attention
- Provide input, feedback and counsel to the CEO, the board, and othr senior executives
Who should lead the team?
The leader could be anyone on the team who is responsible, commited to crisis management and respected among peers
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