San Diego
Tijuana Metro Area
Common Characteristics:
Beaches, Mild-Climate, Big Cities
Physical characteristics
- Batiquitos Lagoon
- San Elijo Lacoon Conservancy
- 64 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity is 72%
- Deer, ducks, hummingbirds, oposums, racoons, songbirds, sea and snore birds, reptiles, raptors.
- Trees
Human Characteristics
- 67% Catholic
- 6% Jewish
- 27% other
- A military town has many tributes to the U.S. Army
- Lots of Tourism
- There is a growning art scene
- Because of ethnic differences, there is a wide range of food: Mexican, Italian, Spanish, French, Fillipino, etc.
- 1 in 5 people lack basic litreracy skills
Pushing People Away:
Too busy
Too hot
Pulling People In:
More opportunity
Human/Environment Interaction
Positive Changes by People:
More buildings
Negative Changes:
Absolute Location/ Relative location
- San Diego is located at 32.71 degrees north, and 117.15 degrees west.
- The city is north of Tijuana, south of Carlsbad, east of the Pacific Ocean, and west of El Cajon.
design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi