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Ricerche popolari
1. Large multi-national corporations have the ability to exploit tax havens in other countries to avoid paying taxes.
2. Multinational corporations are accused of social injustice, unfair working conditions (including slave labor wages, living and working conditions), as well as lack of concern for environment, mismanagement of natural resources, and ecological damage.
1. The proponents say globalization represents free trade which promotes global economic growth; creates jobs, makes companies more competitive, and lowers prices for consumers.
2. Competition between countries is supposed to drive prices down. In many cases this is not working because countries manipulate their currency to get a price advantage.
Is Globalization redefining the United States and the world beneficially?
An increasingly global free market has meant disappearing borders, skyrocketing corporate profits and an increase in wealth for some. But not everyone has shared in the benefits of globalization
1. Free trade is a way for countries to exchange goods and resources. This means countries can specialize in producing goods where they have a comparative advantage (this means they can produce goods at a lower opportunity cost). When countries specialize there will be several gains from trade
2. (Increased economies of scale) Production is increasingly specialized. Globalization enables goods to be produced in different parts of the world. This greater specialization enables lower average costs and lower prices for consumers.
3. Globalization has also enabled increased levels of investment. It has made it easier for countries to attract short-term and long-term investment. Investment by multinational companies can play a big role in improving the economies of developing countries.
the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale
Several economists have stated that issues related to Globalization include increases in world carbon dioxide emissions. Such activity is destructive, causing oceans to become acidic and it can significantly further global warming .
Developing countries have shown to benefit the most because it lifts them out of poverty, it induces growth through trade, exposes them to competition, and leads to cheaper price and a wider variety of goods. Developing countries are the only ones that contain certain aspects that can be substantially improved easily.
Globalization might not be "redefining the United States and the world beneficially" because it involves lowering the USA standard of living down to the level of other countries. Globalization is regional economies becoming "integrated".
Environmental Protection vs. Economic Growth
Taking care of millions of people who are starving is more important than saving natural resources, most of which are renewable anyway. We cannot expect developing nations to share the green concerns of developed countries when they are faced with dire poverty and a constant battle for survival.
We have already wasted and destroyed vast amounts of natural resources, and in so doing have put earth at risk. We must preserve the earth for our children and grandchildren. In any case, poverty and environmental damage are often linked. Destroying the rainforest gives native peoples nowhere to go except urban slums. Polluted water can lead to crop failures. Climate change will turn fertile fields into desert and flood coastal areas where hundreds of millions live. Developing countries have to choose sustainable development if they want a future for their people.
The impact of the adverse consequences of globalization on the enjoyment of human rights is multidimensional; all aspects of human existence be they political, economic, social or cultural, are affected.
negative impact of globalization - especially on vulnerable sections of the community results in the violation of various rights guaranteed by various Covenants in particular on the; -the enjoyment of fundamental aspects of the right to life, -freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, -freedom from servitude, the right to equality and non-discrimination, -the right to an adequate standard of living (including the right to adequate food, clothing and housing), -the right to maintain a high standard of physical and mental health, - the right to work accompanied by the right to just and fair conditions of labour, -freedom of association and assembly and the right to collective bargaining, have been severely impaired.