About Wounded Warrior Project
About Wounded Warrior Project
Who They serve
How They serve
Current System
Goal Of Revamp
- In order to receive any kind of assistance, you must apply online
- To bring more soldiers into the system so they can receive help when help is needed.
- "Wounded Warrior Project® serves veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound, co-incident to their military service on or after September 11, 2001 and their families."
- Account for over 10,000 new potential applicants per month
- Scan system prepared to bring in new potential applicants
- Store the records of over 10,000 new potential applicants
- Provide a secure location for the medical records of those involved with the organization
- Provide a location that records can be accessed at anytime
- "Wounded Warrior Project® takes a holistic approach when serving warriors and their families to nurture the mind and body, and encourage economic empowerment and engagement. Through a high-touch and interactive approach, WWP hopes to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation's history"
- To raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of injured service members
- To help injured service members aid and assist each other.
- To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members.
Wounded Warrior Project
Step 3
Alert personnel of new wounded warrior
Contact Soldier/Family
Allow time for family
- Phone system contacts family of new applicant
- Letters are sent out to new applicant
- Discuss with family the options
- Give the family time to discuss what they want to do
- If family feels that assistance is needed, they can contact Wounded Warrior Project
- Determine what kind of assistance is needed
- Monetary
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
Step 2
Step 1
Offer Voluntary Assistance
"The greatest casualty is being forgotten"
Check Mark
Data sent to charities
Soldiers check off a form
- Wounded warriors receive potential new applicant details
- Compile data
- Store data