Overgeneralization and oversimplification/Two wrongs make a right
Assuming two wrongs make a right.
- All Democrats are liberals
- Corporations never look beyond quarterly profits
- Everyone knows about the ozone layer
- All teens play video games
- The politician doesnt speak about her own crime rates, and instead talks about other cities with worse crime rates.
- The politician makes an assumption that their cities crime rate is good because it is lower than another cities crime rate
- When you make a broad statement on the basis of too litle evidence
- Uses absolute qualifiers such as all, every, none, or never
- Joe borrowed Josh’s expensive pen, but realized he had forgot to return it! He tells himself that it’s okay to keep it, because Joe would have taken his.
- In fact Joe has taken a few of his pen’s before
- People mistakenly take pens all the time
- Crossover Church plays rap music
Example: American cars are bigger gas guzzlers than import cars. For example, the Ford Explorer gets only 16 miles to the gallon while the Toyoto Corrolla gets 32.
- Everyone at Crossover Church likes rap music