Characterization of Billy Pilgrim
Unstuck in time
- soldier in World War 2
- was captured and kept as a prisoner of war in Germany
- survived Dresden firebombing 1944
- survived an airplane crash in 1968
- worked as an optometrist
- has a wife and 2 children
- fictional character occupying a main role and has the opposite charcteristics than a traditional hero
- 1944
- travels in time through stations of his own life
- most times he travels back to World War 2
- weak, unskilled, uncultured
- has no valor or dignity
traumatic experiences are the trigger
- William Pilgrim
- Unstuck in time
- Billy in the war
- Anti-hero
- Tralfamadorians
- Conclusion
Billy is an anti-hero
- can't influence where he will go next
- feels afraid and fustrated about it
William Pilgrim
remains a child, never grew up
Billy in the war
- gets abducted by Aliens 1967
- capture him in their zoo for an human-exhibition
- he offers no resistance and is interested in their lifes
- was born 1922 in Ilium, NY
- skinny, tall, funny-looking
- weak and bumbling
- in his mid-forties in the present of the book
- without weapons in the war
- his clothes accentutates the absurdity of such an weakling in the war
- becomes the mockery
- people make fun of him
"Time doesn't go forward. Instead all points of time exist simoultaneously. We can not change anything and we never die."
can be the result of PTSD
- doesn't care if he lives or dies
- not afraid of his death
Billy needs to escape on another planet
- suffering victim
- participant in a Childrens Crusade
- Billys figure should let us think about the soldiers and the necessity of wars
- is suffering from PTSD
- Billy is haunted by the tragedy of war and the firebombing
- gets nightmares
- in his time travels he relives the war
- has a nervous breakdown
- mental hospital
Jasmina Scholz