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Information of Angel Falls

Simon Bolivar- A brilliant general and visionary politician, he led the liberation of Venezuela.

Its the tallest waterfall.

It was formed over 100,000,000 years ago.

It could also be called the Tuluma Bena or Kerepakupai meru by the locals

Angel Falls is located in the Canaima National Park.

Angel Falls is actually a Table top mountain with a waterfall.

It is 807 meters high.(2,648 ft)

Angel Falls


image of Angel Falls

Venezuela's flag


Federal Republic - Which is federation of states with a republican form of government

Information of KukenanTepui

Table top mountain or mesa located in Highlands of South America especially in Venezuela.

Tend to be found as isolated entities which makes them unique. They are typically composed of sheer blocks of quartz and sandstone that rise from the jungle, giving a spectacular natural beauty.

Kukenan Tepui

image of the Kukenan Tepui



Its 545.7 billion

Mixed Economy- dominated by the petroleum sector. Allows a level of private economic freedom in use of the capital.

Environmental Issues

By: Amelia,KyAnn,and Evegany

Sewage pollution

Oil and urban pollution



Urban and idustrial pollution

Irresponsible mining operations

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