Reasons for Difference in Growth
- Genes; familial stature, Genetic abnormalities
- Hormones
- Malnutrition
- Irregular sleeping time and posture
- Skeletal Abnormalities
- Illness that affect whole body
- Normal aging and osteoporosis
Height Promoters
Anticipation of height can be through one's GENES, NUTRITION, CHILDHOOD GROWTH, OVERALL HEALTH and PARENT'S HEIGHT
RS Pelabuhan Palembang
Stop growing?!
- for males 20-21
- for females 16-18
- it is possible to continue growing till the age of 20 for females and 23 for males
Klinik Peninggian Badan
Klinik Peninggian Badan
- Can height be predicted earlier?
- Can height be increased at any age?
- Do large feet really provide exceptionally tall stature?
- Innovation Hospital Improvement Process
- Marketing Strategy
- Quality Improvement
"Height is the main factor that gives self confidence to a person in his career and self-respect in this livelihood"