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First & Second-Hand Knowledge
Main goal:
To be able to distinguish between first and second-hand knowledge.
Goals achieved:
- You are able to distinguish between first and second-hand knowledge.
- You can provide specific examples to each knowledge.
Mario Simak 3.IBD
Activity: First or Second-hand Knowledge?
1. Who had first-hand knowledge about military conflict in the video?
2. After you have seen the video, have you been provided with second or third-hand knowledge?
3. What type of knowledge do politicians have about an involvement of Slovak soldiers in Afghanistan?
Second-hand Knowledge
- we have that came from a source other than directly from our own perception, reason and intuition.
Slovak Military - Afghanistan
Sources of Second-hand Knowledge:
- cultural tradition
- school
- the internet
- expert's opinion
- news media...
CNN Report
Sources & Citations:
An example
First-hand Knowledge
- "Tok Key Terms." TOK Key Terms Flashcards. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2015.
- "Firsthand Knowledge Law & Legal Definition." Firsthand Knowledge Law & Legal Definition. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2015.
- "Theory of Knowledge -" N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2015.
"First-hand is actually doing or seeing whatever it is. Second-hand is that person with the first-hand knowledge telling you."
- refers to something witness actually saw or heard
- is also knowledge that is gained through observation or experience
1. I experienced LOCKOUT at my previous school. (FIRST-hand knowledge)
2. Now you have (SECOND-hand knowledge) about how it feels to be locked at school.
3. If you decide to tell it to your friends outside of this class or parents, you will provide them with THIRD-hand knowledge.
Slovak soldier
Witness of a crime
What is a knowledge?