Milestone Events in Robert Fulton's Life
By: Kate Zakresky and Mico Bejar
The mechanical dredge was used to speed up the production of water canals.
The Steam Boat Project
The Final Years
The Beginning of Fulton's Career in Engineering
The First 20 Years of Robert Fulton's Life
- 1808 - Fulton marries Harriet Livingston (Robert Livingston's niece) , and has 4 children.
- That same year, he builds an improved steamboat named, The New North River Steamboat of Clermont.
- February 24, 1815 - Robert Fulton died from tuberculosis after saving his friend, who had fallen through ice into a river.
- 1802 - Robert Fulton rejoins with Robert R. Livingston in attempt to making a steamboat (they had worked on in the past but failed to succeed).
- During the time of making the steamboat, Livingston and Fulton debated whether to use jet propulsion or a propeller. They later on decided the best choice was a propeller.
- 1803 - Their engine is ordered from Boulton and Watt, the best engine builders at the time, to be sent to New York. During the years of waiting for the engine he worked on underwater warfare.
- 1765, November 14 - Robert Fulton is born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
- 1774 - Robert Fulton's Father dies.
- Throughout his childhood he shows artistic promise
- 1782 - Fulton moves to Philadelphia to pursue his artistic career.
- 1794 - Fulton considers using a steam powered engine for boats, an idea John Fitch had back then. (But John Fitch's idea was not carried out due to the expenses of making a boat.)
- 1794 to 1796 - For the next few years, he invents the mechanical dredge, machines to spin flax, saw marble, and twist hemp for rope.
- 1796 - He publishes a book, A Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation, following his creation of the mechanical dredge.
Fulton's Impact
- Robert Fulton’s impact was tremendous on the future of the ferry boat, torpedo boat, and many regular steamboats.
- He also helped lead to the commercialized use of steamboats for transport of materials and goods.
- The steamboat additionally helped in the expansion and exploration of the United States.
Robert Fulton's submarine, "The Nautilus".
The Steam Boat Cont.
Underwater Warfare
From Art to Engineering
- 1796 to 1806 - Fulton spends the next ten years developing underwater warfare and the first practical submarine.
- 1801 to 1804 - Fulton tests out his submarine called the Nautilus for the French to gain profit by destroying British ships. He fails to destroy a ship and sides with the British instead, only able to destroy one ship in an experiment.
- 1786 - After becoming successful through art, Fulton decides to move to London, England.
- Shortly after moving to England, Robert Fulton gains interest in engineering as Europe was beginning it's Industrial Revolution.
- 1793 - Fulton decided to quit painting to pursue engineering.
- 1806 - The engine was granted permission to be exported to New York.
- Robert Fulton set sail to America after knowing the engine was delivered.
- August 17, 1807 - Fulton's steam boat called Clermont (after creating it using the engine), travels successfully up the Hudson River to Albany N.Y. at 8 kilometers an hour.
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