for PR in Advertising
Celebrity is defined as a person well known in one of a wide variety of fields such as science, politics or entertainment.
A PUBLICIST is a public relations Practitioner working in the entertainment industry.
- Primary responsibility of getting publicity for his/her organization and individual clients.
Used to be called Press agents
- Sophia Grace and Rosie (Nicki Minaj on YouTube/Ellen)
- Justin Bieber Video
Videos from
Images from
Tools to Intensify Awareness of Individual clients
- News Releases: avoid puffery
- Photographs: “mug shots” should be included in media kits. Also consider getting photos of the client doing something interesting.
- Public Appearances
- Awards: nominate your client for appropriate awards. You may also propose the award itself to the organization (at which point you can nominate your client)
- Websites and Social Media: necessity. Both Facebook and Twitter should be updated regularly.
More This Way
Allison Duncan
Andrea Jincks
Ashley Stout
Chelsea Scheidt
Erica De Sutter
Jaclyn Penzell
Jordan Dome
Julie Butkus
Katherine Fliess
Kevin Osterberger
- TV networks mail out daily news bulletins about their shows to media television editors.
- Networks assemble the editors annually to preview new programs and interview their stars.
- Steady output of information about the product.
- Most publicity is released shortly before the show opens
PR specialist is assigned to a film during production and turns out a flow of stories for the general and trade press and plays host to media visitors to them set.
The “Drip-Drip-Drip” Technique
Primary goal is to use publicity to stimulate ticket sales
Public Relations in Entertainment
Promoting an Event
A Major Part of Economy
Tools to Intensify Awareness of Individual clients
- News Releases: avoid puffery
- Photographs: “mug shots” should be included in media kits. Also consider getting photos of the client doing something interesting.
- Public Appearances
- Awards: nominate your client for appropriate awards. You may also propose the award itself to the organization (at which point you can nominate your client)
- Websites and Social Media: Necessary with both Facebook and Twitter and should be updated regularly.
More Tools
Economics of Entertainment
- Attendance at movies in 2009 generated about $10 billion in revenues for the film industry.
- The Academy Awards, started during the 1929 depression as a way to promote movie attendance, continues to draw a TV audiences of 30 million every year.
- Sales of albums, despite iTunes and other digital downloads, generated almost $400 million in 2009.
- PR specialists play a vital role in the entertainment industry’s success.
- Celebrities are a major component of the entertainment industry.
- Publicists and media are instrumental in creating and promoting celebrities.
Problems with Event Promotions
- Danger of excessive promotion: audiences expectations may become too high
- Result: performance proves to be a disappointment
- Skilled practitioner stays away from the “hype” that can lead to a sense of anticlimax
Personality Campaign
Step by step process to generate public awareness of an aspiring star or other individual should be planned:
1. Interview the Client
“Individuals frequently fail to realize that certain elements of their experiences have publicity value under the right circumstances”
2. Prepare a Biography
no more than 4 typed pages
3. Plan a Marketing Strategy
Purpose: is it to increase public awareness of the individual or is it to publicise the client’s product?
Decide which audiences you want to reach
4. Conduct the Campaign
Best to use multiple media simultaneously to create higher public awareness
Magazine articles must be planned far in advance, since they take longer to reach the public
Additional Responsibilities
- Mistake guidance
- Creating Buzz
- Generate and create conversation about topics
- Use social media
- Product Placements
Responsible for keeping their clients fairy-tale image despite everything that happens in their personal life which are likely fueled by sex and drugs.
- Internet brings additional responsibilities and strategies
In Hollywood....
Main Responsibilities
Crisis Communication
Used to protect and defend the reputation of the companies and individuals that they represent.
The Work of a Publicist
Zac Efron’s recent condom drop on the red carpet of the family friendly movie “The Lorax”
“Presto, they come out looking like serious people who have transformed a silly press obsession into a sincere attempt to help the needy”
-Michael Levine (celebrity publicist)
Routine Tasks
Grab Attention
- Parties, Film Festivals, Events
Being current with issues and controversies
- Gains publicity (cheaper than advertising)
Publicists are influential in the entertainment industry because they grab attention (film festivals, screenings, parties) and for the ability to use current issues/controversies to get publicity (which is way cheaper then advertising)
Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson relies on his publicist to constantly distract the public from his "crazy" personality and views. His racist rants have been caught on tape and his publicist is there to fix it.
Lindsay Lohan
The Cult of Celeberties
-Rachel McCallister, Mark Pogachefsky
“The advent of celebrity culture now drives the entertainment news cycle.”
An example of bad publicity: Lindsay Lohan taking credit through Twitter for having part in saving children whom were being trafficked when she had no part in it.
Entertainment Industry
- Constant publicizing and glorification of personalities
- Celeberty status is mostly temporary
- Technology driven
- ANYTHING can make you famous today
Angelina Jolie
Justin Bieber
"Lohan’s comments do more harm than good and that Lohan was “trivializing child-trafficking" for publicity’s sake."
39,182,317 views on YouTube
Led to sold out tours, 3D movie, and various awards
Started volunteering very intensely after she started dating to hopefully take priority over rumors that she stole Brad from Jen.
Sophia Grace
32,976,433 views on YouTube
Led to appearances and correspondent opportunities on the Ellen Show
Michael Jackson
60% of news coverage within 24 hours after death
was about him and his life. This coverage took the place of news coverage on health care reform.
-2.6 million digital downloads sold the week of his death
Public Fascination
“The hero is distinguished by his achievement; the celebrity by his image or trademark. The hero creates himself; the celebrity is created by media. The hero is a big man; the celebrity is a big name.”
- Daniel Boorstin, author of The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America, 1961
There are...
People we "Love to Hate"
“Maybe it’s because we all want someone to look up to or spit on, and we don’t have royalty”
-Liz Smith, columnist
Support for Celeberties
people living
routing lives need
exitement for their daily routines through curiosity.
Support for Athletes
PR practitioners assigned to build up the image of an individual should analyze the ways these psychological factors can be applied.