Family, Career, and Community
Leaders of America
Families First
Discover how you can strengthen family relationships through FCCLA's national peer education program, Families First.
Experience another culture and develop independence while living with a Japanese host family.
Power of One
- Give yourself the power to make a positive change in your families, careers, and communities, one goal at a time.
- A Better You — Improve personal traits
- Family Ties — Get along better with family members
- Working on Working — Explore work options, prepare for a career, or sharpen skills useful in business
- Take the Lead — Develop leadership qualities
- Speak Out for FCCLA — Tell others about positive experiences in FCCLA.
National Cluster Meetings
Capitol Leadership!
Attend a National Cluster Meeting this fall and discover new ways to put FCCLA's national programs to work for you! Travel to one three exciting cities and prepare yourself for your future as you participate in FCCLA: The Ultimate Leadership Experience.
Washington, D.C.
Join youth leaders from across the country at the nation’s capitol to develop your leadership skills, learn about government relations, and meet with elected officials.
State Leadership Conference
Student Body
Its you're first chance to compete,
You're first chance to meet FCCLA'ers from our state,
You're first chance to have some major fun!
- Eat right, be fit, and make healthy choices.
Your chance to meet people from all over the USA, Have an AMAZING time, and enjoy visiting a place with tons to do.
AND compete, and possibly, win a scholarship!
National Programs
More than 16 million kids in America struggle with hunger. That’s a number that can’t be ignored but is often overlooked.
Community Service
Take Action in your community and discover the difference you can make.
At this time we would like all returning members (including officers) to stand up and be recognized!
But...I'm in other clubs...
Fun with Friends
I'm Co-President and I am in lots of other clubs! We have done our best to schedule around other clubs like Key Club, SGA, and more!
FCCLA meetings are always fun!
Games, Food and Fun Projects are made
even more fun when the time is spent
with you friends.
Fill out an Application today! (You might win a prize!)
Member dues are $35 this includes..
- National dues
- State dues
- & a T-Shirt!
Dues should be turned in by/on the 28th! (Club Day)