A thermometer is an instrument for measuring or indicating temperature(how hot or cold something is)
A thermometer looks like a tube that heats the liquid and the liquid moves up the tube with numbers
A thermometer works when a device that measures temperature.
This liquid is sometimes colored alcohol but can also be a metallic liquid called mercury.Both mercury and alcohol grow bigger when heated and smaller when cooler.Inside the glass tube of a thermometer,the liquid has no place to go but up when the temperature is hot and down when the temperature is cold.
A common thermometer uses mercury in a glass tube.An increase in temperature makes the mercury expand and rise in the glass tube.
One type of thermometer is a narrow containing mercury or alcohol which extends along the tube as it expands.
The outside of the thermometer has a scale on it witch tells you what temperature the liquid has detected.
Another type is a digital thermometer,which uses electronics to measure the temperature.
A thermometer was invented in1714 and the inventor's name is Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.
A thermometer is used for measuring temperatures in degrees,according to either the Celsuis or Fahrenheit system.
A thermometer